Savvy Shoes

Yes on that ETA: I also use the mask and then coconut oil to remove stains, but reading my post again it came off a bit confusing.

Yesssss to the coconut oil+turmeric mix. I’ve just commented on it above! I’ve lazily stopped that weekly routine and I’ll tell you my skin is terrible even while keeping the treatments my dermatologist prescribes.

Make my own! Super, super simple: a tablespoon natural yoghurt or honey and a (very shallow) tablespoon (it may be best to say a full teaspoon instead) of powdered tumeric... Voilá! You can even keep it in the fridge a couple of days if it’s too much.

It does stain when you take it off, bur it’s very easy to clean! I’m on the pale side as well and after the first time I was also terrified the stains wouldn’t come off after removing it!

Tumeric face mask and coconut oil! I didn’t realize how well it was working util I’ve stopped (pure laziness) and my skin has taken a major turn for the worst!

Fuuuuck. It took all I have not to scream my head off at that top image. But now I’m kinda quietly twitching and feeling my skin crawl.

I wonder who’s gonna be the first fashion blogger to wear it? (ironically, you know)

Oddly enough I’ve just seen my grandmother’s dress for the first time. It’s absolutely gorgeous, lace high neck and long sleeves with a tulle puffy skitt. Not something I ever see myself wearing but I now really wished she kept it!

Yeah, I was one of those “why do people still have travel agents?!” Until I ‘got’ one. Where I live there is this enormous franchise brand of travel agencies and when I was planning a big trip with family and friends we went there on a whim and... Our agent got us a great price and conditions for the plane tickets,

Do it! Ruby woo is always such a hassle! Russian red a bit darker but a very elegant and classic colour. It's one of my favorites

So I’m not the only one that screams ‘what kind of man’ on loop on my way to work?!


Well, if Clint Eastwood thought he could pull it off...

I seriously want everything on this picture based on packaging alone.

I cannot look away!

That’s some really, really good editing. Also, the Jamie Oliver chopping an onion one is really funny.

Math is not my thing so at first I thought ‘wow, 100 hours?! It’s not even feasible!’. Than I actually did the math: she can start tomorrow and will still do less than regular office hours (7,6 hours a day Monday through Friday). And then I realized how many hours a week I’ve been working.

I feel that this has become Lindsay’s official .gif

Gorgeous photo and dress!!!

It was killing me and I was so depressed at the thought of having to google it! (long, long day)