
Inexcusable, Greg. Not one mention of how the UFC is now employing the toughest and most notorious steroid buster in sports history (Jeff Nowitsky) and contracting USADA at a cost of millions of dollars to newly police the sport. No, just label the sport as “corrupt” (which is a deeply damaging inference in the world

What gets you harder, Black Grantland or Jon Jones?

7uch a 7ad 7tory.

Good. Kap has been an idiot prick ever since he took over. It was clear that after teams stopped him from taking a 3 step drop and just TUCK AND GO, he didn’t have it. I hate this guy. He’s an idiot on twitter, he is entitled, he is a cry baby suck bag who I hope Aldon Smith hits in a cross walk drunk and high off his

I dunno about RGIII, but Kaepernick never really “led” the 49ers to those heights. He had some incredible games and justifiably got a lot of press, but those Niner teams were always led by the defense/Harbaugh.

There are obviously racial components to the misguided pushback against Newton, and racial stigmas in sports are an issue that should be illuminated often. But it bothers me when posts like this flippantly and incorrectly lump too much under this umbrella as it doesn’t do the issues justice. Newton’s dance cannot be

Greg Howard took time off from beating women and wanted to express some anti-white rage.

You sound racist, you anti-white faggot.

Stop making this about race. Has nothing to fucking do with race. I’m a Titans fan who loved Steve McNair. Dude played hard, with emotion, and had all the respect of his teammates and love of the city. Oh and he had the respect of damn near everyone that played him.

You know, I get it’s fun to piss on Titans fans and all, like we’re not important and don’t “deserve” to be upset when someone disrespects us, but it’s pretty trashy logic.

I think Cam dancing is trash, so why does that make me a scared white person? If I don’t like it, am I “losing my shit”? Couple obvious differences between the two Arizona players dancing and Cam dancing is 1) Cam just barely beat a shitty Titan team while the Cards just sealed a signature win punctuating the their

Well since you are making this a black thing lets just take a look at the blanks in your ammunition:

I don’t mind the touchdown celebrations. Fuck, you scored a touchdown in the NFL, you deserve to pump your fist, do a dance, whatever floats you boat.


So Avery Williamson and Wesley Woodyard were the ones who first took issue with Cam’s antics, and but deadspin has figured out a way to make this about “scared white people.” Also, skip bayless is not the spokesperson for all white people, as much as you’d love for him to be. I don’t deny that Cam is awesome but the

You can’t honestly think that a choreographed dance is the same as screaming and pumping your fist in excitement can you? One is controlled, planned, and executed (dance moves/specific gestures), while the other is just madness (screaming and pounding at yourself/air???). Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying one is

Meh, I kind of hate Cam Newton now because he’s become the latest bludgeon in the increasingly boring sports culture wars.

It’s instructive not only that this non-story has somehow endured through today, but how.

I love how you complain about racism (Johnny Manziel is criticized the same way for his money celebration) while filing the story under “Shut Up Whitey”. At least you hold yourself up to the same standards that you hold others to, hypocrite.

Your race baiting took a hit when you headlined your article ‘scared white people are mad at Cam’, then show a video of a black man angry at Cam. But good try though.