
Please provide proof that in EVERY single professional football game the QB’s deflate the balls. I will wait

This is actually a HUGE deal and a precedent needs to be set. If teams see this and know the worst thing that will happen when they cheat is a 3-4 game suspension for a individual player, they WILL cheat. Winning at any cost destroys the game.

Until you and the other knuckleheads who are staring you are able to articulate a valid response, I will look at you as NE fans who are blind and march to the beat of Patriots drum.

This really isn’t the fight Sherman should pick. While Jim should have been fined more due to the image hit the NFL took, however it did not impact the game. What Brady (and by proxy the Patriots org) did impacted the game, and thus the most severe punishment should be levied against them.

It really is nice that it seems like there’s no bridge people aren’t willing to cross in order to call Roger Goodell an asshole.

What are you guys talking about? This video is super diverse. They had one black football player in it for a few seconds and they even twerked.

Let’s be honest... they’re not all natural blondes.

Now playing

That would have been artistc genuis with young and beautiful in the background.

I don’t see the problem. they clearly had some brunettes in there. #soroversity!

It looks like one big tampon commercial.

I don’t think the inherently violent job of being an NFL player and your job creating TPS reports at a desk is an apples to apples comparison.

Probably the one time I can think of where smashing into a car is going to hurt LESS than the alternative.

Jesus! If the car wasn't there to stop him, would he have just flown right off the mountain?

How is that ignorant? Don’t put yourself in that position. If he’s out with his friends at the bars or maybe back in San Angelo preparing for football season, he doesn’t get shot. That’s not ignorant or racist, is a fucking fact

Well maybe the kid shouldn’t have been trying to steal cars....I know death isn’t exactly what he deserved, but if he didn’t put himself in this position, it never would have happened.

He believes the Earth is 4,000 years old, so it’s not like he had any credibility to lose.

The only thing worse than steroid arguments, are all-star snub arguments. The all star games are not watchable in all sports, and the whining about who makes it or not makes my head hurt.

Let us not forget that player/coach/GM LeBron also traded Wiggins for Love.

the comment is aimed at all the blowhards talking about Lebron is > everyone and anyone on his team. Including his coach. That’s not how team sports work.