

Mark Jackson prays that you eat a dick

I guess a Stanford education can't buy common sense.

Oh why thank you. Don't mind if I do!

I really don't know what the hoopla is all about.

Greg, just stop it. You just look worse and worse every time you try to justify the usage of the n-word. So with your logic, white people who say stop it have no idea what they're talking about, and are insensitive, and black people who say it are sellouts. But black people who use it are keeping it real. So

You're'll be fired.

He needs to play in the Bay Area, where the fanbase wants to hear nothing but positive feel good news from their teams.

The Blatt watch has begun

Wow deadpsin, deeply offended by this. Just because some ignorant black people use it all the time in their music doesn't mean that every black person is ok with the use to it, especially on this site. Please take this down.

How about the woman who agreed to be in the photo?

Idiots. Only black folks care about who black enough.

No The Grudge? That movie screwed me up. Dont watch scary movies that much anymore because of that movie.

Fuck you Rolando

I guess someone never been to a bbq festival, and heard of pulled pork fries lol. Terrible write up.

Have you ever been to the Tenderloin?

People so goddamn PC. Jeez.

LOL @ people hoping for the demise of the NFL.