
What if you're wrong? How do you know? Oh yeah, of course you're right, because a voice in your head said it. Gotcha lol.

He said if he was still the coach, he would of denied him. And there's a lot of front offices that said the same, besides the Rams. Nobody have a problem with what you believe. It's only a problem when you those beliefs become policy in denying rights and opportunities.

Yep. Well said.

Again, I say the plight is not the same. It's the enforcement that's the same. It's discrimination. As a people who've been through extreme discrimination, we should find all discrimination troubling. No matter if the plight for equality is different. It's just not a good look. "We want equally rights...but not

Exactly. It's not the same plight, but you're choosing to deny someone opportunities because of personal beliefs. That's extreme prejudice, and the same as racism.

But when you're denying people the opportunity to pursue happiness, and/or deny them employment because of your beliefs, then that's where to problem lies.

It's not about comparing the plight. It's the enforcement of discriminating practices that are the same.

Whites used to bible to justify slavery and discrimination.

Thank you. Well said. How you gonna ask for equal rights, but then deny another subjugated group theirs, despite if you agree with their lifestyle or not?

Wow. Instead of digressing about the actual violence, let's talk about the lede.

Really? So she can call people niggas on the world stage? Riiiight. She's the Drake of soccer. Who knew she was such a soccer fan.

LOL awesome.

Thank for summing up the rubbish that is this article.

Seriously, shit the fuck up. This has to be deadspin's worst article to date. No words can describe how horrible this is. Your criticizing people for praising him and showing maturity? Wow.

There was. His name is Barry Bonds.

Justin's "Believe...I Love Black People" tour continues!

Yes! No newscast is safe now! You are a hero Fuck Her Right In The Pussy Guy!

You don't know that. A jury who saw the evidence, and was in court everyday said he was not guilty.

I'm with you. When you look at the case Dear puts together, I'm dumbfounded why LAPD did not look into Jason Simpson. He had motive, a past violent behavior, expert in knives, falsified alibi, and other things he explores that make you take another look at the case. How can you have no bruises after fight to the death