
So I submitted an article to an independent online film publication Bright Wall Dark Room. It's probably not gonna be accepted but it was a fun experience spending 2000+ words on goddamn Warcraft of all films.

Too much contradictory data…. my brain is starting to bleed from sheer strain….

Every scene from the Nice Guys is the best scene of 2016 for me.

Jon Glaser Loves Gear is the first show in 2016 that made me burst out laughing uncontrollably over a segment, but how much of is carefully managed reality? Unlike say Nathan For You (which incidentally was the last show to hold that title), it doesn't leave any doubt as to whether the show is staged or not. It's a

Actually leftists in general didn't give a shit about celebrity deaths in 2016 and some of them actively mocked the media for trying to ratchet up clicks by coming up with mushy headlines like "X made it OK to be weird".

Matthew Broderick's run as a sexually repressed, meekly angry middle-class man in the 90's is still unsurpassed.

"nobody could possibly win the U.S. presidency with the slogan “Who cares?”

I've finally started to watch Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist. Squigglevision rules.

Was its intention malicious? It certainly made them ponder existential questions which they refused to consider before, which distinguishes this kind of film from the one where aliens are represented as a threat or pure Otherness

I like how he improved on the cross-cutting of two sex scenes previously introduced in The Underneath.

Yeah, the scene of the final encounter in the movie made an impression that Louise got an upgrade in her mental superpowers by talking to aliens in a corny timeless space, like Harry Potter or, say, Naruto.

What's the deal with making sci-fi films built around fancy ideas that the director/writer finds incredibly smart? You just can't simplify certain ideas for mass consumption and call it a day; and you certainly can't tie your ideas to an emotional ''core'' in an arbitrary fashion, because adhering to the logic of your

I watched Arrival and was left cold with it. Felt like another assemblage of not very well articulated philosophical ideas glued together with cathartic character identification. I feel like ''language is the prism through which we see reality'' weakly translates into the problem of free will and determinism, and

"By the way, in all seriousness, you don't have to self-deprecate just because leftist beliefs are shunned or mocked by some incestuous media hacks who label those who hold them as nihilistic or apathetic or unrealistic, when we're the opposite."

New Yorker has just published CTH's profile. They're getting more popular, which is normal, because they've been extremely on-point with their criticisms of the of the Democractic establishment and are all too happy to lambast the mainstream media for its hypocrisy, which is something many of us have long been

Apparently Scott Kaufman, the creator of Internet Film School, one of the best columns to ever grace this site, is right now in dire need of help due to health problems…

“Darkness is good,” says Bannon, who amid the suits surrounding him at Trump Tower, looks like a graduate student in his T-shirt, open button-down and tatty blue blazer — albeit a 62-year-old graduate student. “Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That’s power. It only helps us when they—“ I believe by “they” he means

An extremely rich, volatile, self-aggrandizing man living in his own bubble and offering his support for Trump?

I don't know, I think there is a real binary-thinking problem going on among pundit circles. For example, I now am reading a NYT article which implies we should temporarily abandon identity politics in favor of positive outreach to white working class and strenthening a cogent economic message. I don't understand why

I don't think comedians are any better than your typical biased newspaper outlet. In fact, they may be even worse as they can use comedy and emotional rhetoric to downplay certain aspects of a problem while highlighting the others. The worst feeling they could breed in their audience is that of one's own smugness and