
Scorn from the uber-chaste crowd I get, but I just don't understand this derision of porn performers by the very people who seek out, consume, and appreciate their material. Surely they understand that once the cameras are off, the female performer is not constantly existing on a set somewhere, bathing in cum, that

As awful as it is to "out" myself as a person who spent a long time alternately judging and pitying women who work in the porn industry, I credit intelligent, articulate women like Stoya for helping me "see the light," so to speak, and better inform my understanding of the industry as a whole. I'm grateful that she's

I was raised Catholic, and while I self-identify these days as atheist, I have discussions about how I find various religions "crazy" in an "I can't believe that they believe that!" kind of way and my husband often has to point out that their beliefs are really no crazier than a priest saying some magic words and

But if you don't tell them you left, how will they know? You could just pretend to be part of their religion when you are around them. Its not like you would be giving up a part of yourself in order to get along with them and have them treat you normally.

I understand. Choosing to leave something you grew up with is an incredibly difficult choice. Nobody wakes up one morning and decides, "Hey! I'm going to convert to _ today. For funsies!"

YES...But..easy or not, a choice, yes? A choice, still.

My mom is a giant racist against black people. Hypocritically, I've always been slightly proud that even though I had her whispering racism in my ear, so to speak, I'm usually very open minded and try to respect everyone.

I didn't say she's the hottest woman on the planet, I just said that you casting her as "ugly" is preposterous. She takes pictures with her tits out all the time because she's 22, and she mother fucking can.

Do you really think deapspin unfairly targets the Cardinals? Maybe Cardinals players should stop doing idiotic things worthy of negative attention. And maybe Cards fans should stop referring to themselves as "the best fans in baseball", as if there's something special or unique about them. Cardinals fans are the worst

We'll stop hating the Cardinals when they stop calling themselves the best fans in baseball as if it isn't dependent on the fact that they're good every year.

God damnit Cards fans like this are the reasons I hate this fucking team. Worst city to live in, especially March-September.

i just moved from new york city after having lived there for 12 years (brooklyn, specifically), and there was a case a minute of some black kid getting unlawfully searched or shot unarmed or family member/friends/bystanders (also black) being caught up in the police violence and being killed. the difference is that