
Good bye Mike

The good news is, if you were ever involved in a Martin Shkreli altercation (a “Shkrelterfluffle”, if you will), you can ask me to kick him in the balls and I will gladly oblige.

Don’t play dumb. It’s not a good look.

So you go to hockey games and shout (even) more obviously racist shit? Cool, cool. You should be real proud of that.

Yes, when “basketball” is a stand-in for “you are black and therefore you should not be playing hockey.” It’s clearly intended to reference a racial stereotype, and deploying it to taunt and unsettle a black man makes it obviously racist as hell.

Like, why tuck your shirt into your jeans that have no belt when 24 hours from now you’re going to be committing mass murder? I hate the world, but I also want to look like my investments really paid off last quarter?

Wypipo be cheesy as fuck yet at the same time might decide to go out and kill 50 people at a Kenny Chesney concert.

You forgot “Non-Organic”

Just add a label saying: Contains GMO, Gluten and MSG.

It’s also a neat monetary fact that, if you start with a penny and double it every day for an entire month, at the end of the month Sarah Huckabee Sanders will still be a total asshole.

I can’t star this enough. I moved to Queens last year and I drive home to MA once a month or so. I also did the long-distance relationship with my husband in NY for years, so I’ve driven through CT more times than I care to admit. Its the FUCKING WORST.

My dream is an elevated highway over Connecticut. It would be three lanes, each side, no trucks/trailers/campers/rvs. There would be one exit in Hartford. There would be one rest area north of Hartford and one rest area south of Hartford, and that’s it. A straight Mass to New York highway. Minimum speed limit would be

Yeah, having lived in Israel, Boston drivers are fantastic. I very rarely feel nervous driving in Boston, and when I do, it’s more out of concern for unaware/uncaring pedestrians and whether or not I’ll hit them.

I was walking out of TD Garden after a Bruins game. Due to construction the tunnel from North Station to the Garden is closed, so a lot more people have to cross Causeway Street. They have a lot of cops out directing traffic. So an impatient man in a Benz S-Class almost plows through a crowd of people. Cop pulls her

I think Boston drivers aren’t that bad, actually, as someone who commutes by car every day. It’s the suburban rubes who are coming into the city for the first time who are the worst. I’d much rather have a “Quincy High School” sticker on the car behind me than a Rhode Island license plate.

The Jets could never have another winning season, draft only fullbacks in the first round and continue being run by generally unlikable pricks...

Here’s the thing. I’m a Jets fan. Being a Jets fan has been kind of trying over my life, with no real success or superstars to cheer for and really just a height of punching above our weight to get killed in a couple AFC championship games.

Ah yes, Rick Flair. I remember his classic matches with Hank Hogan and Andrew the Really Tall Guy.

What's funny is that this comment, claiming Skyline chili is "coveted all the way in California and places in between," is outnumbered quite literally more than 20-to-1 by comments from Ohioans saying that it isn't coveted even in the rest of the state of Ohio.

Oh yeah? Cool! Knock yourself out with that, Tim.