Its insane that they’ll give me 12 movies a month, BUT won’t allow me to get two tickets for a single showing. Which is how most folks purchase movie tickets. (in twos).
Its insane that they’ll give me 12 movies a month, BUT won’t allow me to get two tickets for a single showing. Which is how most folks purchase movie tickets. (in twos).
I 100% agree with the assessment that “Future” is Future sleepwalking, while HNDRXX is a legit advancement of his musical canon. I really enjoy the second of the two albums, far more than I have any business doing.
I’ve been using Fantastical for a few years (only recently realizing it’s a play on Fantastic Cal...i hate myself) and I think it’s superb. The iPhone app is also very good but the full featured Mac version is worth every penny of the asking price. I don’t know what I’d do without it.
is he implying Trump reads?
what he wants more than anything is adoration and to be liked and patted on the back. So anything that points him out for being a shit for brains loser in an ugly tie is fine by me.
vomiting on the console got a hearty chuckle out of me
Anyone suggesting that a rape is anyone’s fault but the rapist can die in a fire.
A PS4 one would be awesome. (Although to be honest, the Dual Shock 4 is my favorite controller ever)
I know plenty about android phones seeing as how I’ve owned about 7 of them. All I’m seeing in this comment section are excuses from people who are used to paying a premium for a phone that can’t even get timely updates.
almost makes too much sense.
Man. Nexus and Moto must have had some sort of magic sauce. Those day one Android updates must of sucked all of their resources dry.
A company with the resources and capital that samsung has can afford the manpower necessary for timely updates.
Not everything needs to be updated continuously. Most computing devices that rely on software are. Poor example.
I know this is just the way it is with Android OEMs, but it’s still unacceptable. Do right by your consumers and figure out a way release these updates in a more timely manner. Google releases dev previews so you can’t even really use the “we have to apply it to touch wiz” excuse. Developer previews are released in…
need more like you.
So the school was all like...”once that restraining order expires you’re good to go”??
This is impressively prophetic.
I’ve wondered about this as well. But I also upgrade my phone annually so I’m not too concerned about the long term health of my battery lol.
I’ve wondered about this as well. But I also upgrade my phone annually so I’m not too concerned about the long term…
“Now it’s a party!”
I binged through half the show before I started falling into the theory rabbit holes, so I got to experience a lot of it without suspecting the two time frame/William/MiB theories. It woulda clicked for me with Dolores being the oldest host in the park though,.