
Did Archer kill Wodehouse because he got addicted to smack in the service?

One line they kept repeating struck me as really dumb, something like:

I hope that one day Public Enemy is #1 in Russia.

They did look alike. I was thinking the EST agent was another sleeper, haha.

I haven't read the books, but yeah, that does add a layer of villainy…

Oh come now. Qyburn's one monstrous experiment so far was performed on a guy who was already dead.

Jon was at least complicit in Ramsay's murder/execution. He also planned to murder Mance, the King Beyond the Wall, although he didn't get the chance.

Meh… pretty much everybody still alive on the show is a murderer. The decency bar is very low.

Assuming Westerosi law is a lot like ours. I don't know about that - it's pretty easy to imagine the law executing children in King's Landing.

Dany already offered independence to the Iron Isles, so it seems feasible that's she'd allow a King in the North.

You're assuming dragons are comparable to direwolves, which, maybe? Wolves we expect to be loyal and familial. Dragons are much more fantastical, which means more guessing. You may be totally right, and you've got good examples of the dragons responding to others.

Is there anyone left in Westeros who hasn't murdered somebody?

I never considered Jon Snow sitting on the Iron Throne. The obvious outcome would be Dany on the throne in Kings Landing, with her nephew and ally Jon Snow ruling Scotland (sorry, "The North"). I hope the show doesn't go that way, though.

I haven't read the books. Just from the show, it seems that Dany's rapport with the dragons is based on her bloodline, so I assumed that would be relevant to Jon as well.

"a ton of female performers are on HGH to keep well-toned"

To me it looked like that kid was leading Lancel, in the same way that Arya led the Waif to her lair. Otherwise, why was the kid running down to check on the wildfire in the first place? I don't think he was going to light the candles, because they had already burnt down quite a bit when Lancel arrived.

Right, the Targaryen test can't be immunity to fire. I assume that it's dragon riding.

The children murdered Pycelle. Qyburn never touched him.

What if she survives and gets out?

Mace was always a bright spot in the small council meetings. I loved how his oblivious good cheer caused Tywin and Cersei such obvious discomfort.