
Let's not be so quick to label Qyburn villainous. From his early conversation with Jamie about saving lives to his fast robing of Cersei after her walk of shame - even on to his request for Pycelle's forgiveness - Qyburn has struck me as a decent guy. Sure, the mad science gets into some morally grey areas, but that's

I hope so. I can't imagine seeing her again would be very pleasant.

True, but I'm betting dragons respond to blood, not marriage.

I'll shamefacedly admit that while I'm not a book reader, I had thought this through enough to realise it would have to have been female giants with male humans. My question is really whether such relationships once formed organically, or whether some mad king had a focused half-giant breeding program.

Perhaps. Anyway, I'm also sad that we'll never learn more about how exactly Hodor ended up with giant blood… I mean, was there some kind of focused breeding program, or was it an extremely perilous Romeo and Juliet type situation?

I hope the inevitable open world video game includes an Isle of the Giants. It seems plausible that there are islands north of the Wall as well, and giants living there wouldn't be threatened by continental zombie armies.

Fired from ships as well! Those are some extremely well-trained crews (firing flaming projectiles from wooden ships is careful work).

Ah, but if the purpose of intelligence is survival, he was necessarily both.

When they stormed the Wall one of the giants had a bow the size of a ballista. Wun Wun could have stood with Davos and easily hit Ramsay's position.

Wun Wun or one of the other giants had an enormous crossbow (maybe a ballista) when they stormed the Wall. That would have been handy as well.

I'd say the death of Wun Wun is quite significant. The whole arc of the series has seen magic returning to the world, yet just as Drogon finally matures, the last of the giants leaves us.

Yes, Greyworm and Missandrei.

To me Sheldon has always appeared to be, at heart, entirely asexual. So I was a bit taken aback that this episode had Sheldon both unexpectedly taking the initiative and following through (with gusto, apparently). It seemed a bit out of character.

I think she was supposed to be Velma from Scooby-Doo, right down to the wardrobe.

Having Peggy walk down a dark hallway to spooky organ music… she had such a Velma vibe going I have to think that was a deliberate joke.

For me that gag was the biggest laugh in the episode - I lost it when Mr. Burns added "It will be over soon, one way or the other" while not even looking up from his correspondence.

I thought it was a nice touch how warm Smithers was when welcoming Moe to the plant. A nice callback to their episode running the bar together.

I thought Bart's story was poking gentle fun at the Lego sets which tell you exactly what to build. I remember a previous episode having the lawyer show up to threaten Lisa with a lawsuit if she build what she wanted instead of what was on the box.

This film hit pretty close to home for apes raised among humans. One thing that struck me as ridiculous was how many windows they crashed through unharmed. We have skin, glass cuts it.