
Old British cars, a byword for reliability, or so says James May. Lol

Glorified golf cart, for the price of a full sized car... I’ll stick to getting fun older cars for 3-5k and playing with those. Fuel cost is around 600 a year. Probably would only pay half that for electric charging, but how long will the battery last and how much more initially would I need to pay? Just didn’t seem

I just installed a little remote controlled morter that shoots small fireworks from it... No mistaking that

Sooooo, basically your only point is knowing his eta, or if he’s near a store. I feel like a phone call would do the exact same thing. I mean if u guys r cool with it, good for u. But I feel like having your own time away is just as necessary as time together. If not more so

Did it for my moms civic, these bags are no joke, basically a small aluminium granade. Aimed directly at your face/ neck in in accident.

Sooooo poor kids need not apply

Taking a shit so not much else to do... but i have worked at Sandia and lawrence livermore next door, i can tell u all that theres days sometimes weeks of training for avery little thing. If people choose not to follow the rules (or grow complacent with them) its on them. Not the Business, or in this case national

I know from experience that Projects continue to run smoothly, sometimes even more so when a higher up leaves... I think Tesla will be fine with thier progress

Theres an anime called DimensionW. About a big energy company called newteslaenergy that revolutionizes energy, making basically a grid of power stations across the earth that pulls energy from another dimension making everything electric. Ill be like the main guy in that show holding onto an old petrol car even

Yhe correct annswer is... Rallycross the shit out of it until it breaks, than keep going until it stops driving. So about a year of beating the shit outta it and your freeeeee

Drone swarms... The cost of a cruise missile can buy in insane amount of drones, drop them from a plane, cause havoc...

I live in the area, and have friends that work there. Bith on the line and in engineering positions, obviously the engineers make much more, but the line workers make ok money,

Being new to FF, and having only played like 14 hours, I found the controls annoying at 1st, but no more than alot of other games.

Came here looking for epic, beautiful car pictures.

Rallycross it!!

I call BS, before “drifting” was a word rednecks and old school badasses were slinging the tail around cars on dirt roads for years. Not just the last bit of the turn, but fully through, like “drifting”

I was reading that the mustangs on the set were literally falling apart from all the jumps...

Interesting little story, cool to hear about other parts of this great world. That ship reminds me of 1 that ferrys people around the amazon. Except yours is far longer. I wish I remebered its name, but they were probly build around the same time period.

I remember rading, a couple yars back, about a company trying to make conversions systems for any car, using some tupe of hub/wheel powered motor.

I have always wondered why cheap commuter cars are all ugly as pam andersons celullite, why not jut make some badass cheap bodies for the cheapass cars?