
That is why I will never buy new. It is just too much damn money on a depreciating asset.

and here I am, who is utterly turned off by the whole concept of new game+ which gates content behind whole new playthroughs, and hopes this plague doesnt continue to spread.. but who knows, maybe the game is actually awesome in itself and doesnt need to be compared to existing franchises, concepts and blueprints to

Stop. Giving. Us. MMO. Lite. Games.

Your opinions on this matter are really terrible.

best looking corolla in like 40yrs.

Hot take:

Modern racing is boring as shit and goes on forever. Bring on the thousand horsepower electric rally time trials!

The glasshouse does seem to have some similarity to the next gen Esprit concepts developed during 1986, which was around the time GM took over the company.

I find the focus people have on this moustache thing to be absolutely bizarre. I honestly didn’t notice it in the cinema (was told about it afterwards) and even in the gif posted above, I don’t see any real difference between the two sets of footage...

Given how ropey some of the other CGI has been on many superhero

I made a paper boat for my little brother once, but some clown stole it....

Spoken like a true early adopter. Blind to all the compromises and changes that will entail. Gas and go, that is how traffic moves. That is how EVs are going to have to be for it to work. Saying that motels will have to put in charging stations and bring in extra valets, or worse expect customers to interrupt whatever

I round it up in my head, but I’ve long since given up doing so in conversation.

Okay great. And? That means we should ban models?

I don’t have anything to add other than my voice agreeing. The “lol I’m cool and people who wear these are dweebs” nonsense is beyond annoying. People also wear hardhats or swim fins or giant pads to do other things they enjoy doing/is their job. Nobody says “look at that football player and his big goofy helmet! LOL

The thing is, how many of these are throwaway accounts? I remember after the Adobe hack, there was a lot of talk of bad passwords being used there. Yeah, but if they had to sign up for an account to get a trial piece of software, they used set up a throwaway account, and using a simple password.

Obama did not place such restraints on any scientific body. The Trump Administration has declared war on the scientific method itself.

It is over-reach. Obama blocked words that were potentially offensive, Trump is blocking words that are used to relay facts. It’s a dictator like move.

This is double-plus ungood.

That fox spends 17 hours a day sitting on Trump’s head. It has to crap at some point.

Are these jokes? I mean, seriously. I get the comedic value but these are some really shitty suggestions.

I honestly didn’t see much of an issue with the intersection myself, but I guess traffic laws are complicated when you ridea moose to work