
I need this in my life! Also would do it in this, or this...

So having a smart phone and their app is now a mantatory thing? Do I need web conection to view the cars charge too?

It cant just be me. Because this car is just ugly, the front is ok, I guess, but the overall design is like a 90's-00's dodge, or lincoln. Plain and boring, no curves. Or edgy lines


Thank you for that interesting bit of reading. That 1st sentence, brilliant!

Wow,amazing new design, unique design,reimagined! NOT! this is just not design, its the absence of design, like modern art. or someone saying “I did it ironically”

Get back to more long distance trips to unique places... IE, TG “specials” peru,phillipines,us south was ok.,etc. those were the most generally entertaining episodes

Shame on me for expecting an actual story, not just a poinltess post.

Sounds like alot of excuses. daily driving old or unique cars is fun!

So I was excited for this, but I dont use facebook...thanks world

Theres the Main problem to me, the car relies on road markings which,as we all know, are rarely good and alot of times nonexistant, except for slight tint of white or yellow line.

Is it Bad that when you said “immediately called 911" I thought why would a toyota dealership have a porsche?

Caffiene does very little to me, it even has the opposite effect sometimes.

Blah kid...blah blah...jelly

Was thinking 1 gen mustang at 1st, but engine looks to be in back.

Having personally made over 1000 would u rathers.

The thing is that more speed and more perfect driving does NOT make watching racing fun.

We did the math on it, although it was very recently, I forget the exacts.

I ussually love your ideas, but you guys here have a strange love for these ugly, unreliable things. although I appreciate their heritage.

Soooo, fast n furious x?