I’m a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, pro-separation of Church and State (and many other things) Republican. There’s a word for that in today’s political spectrum:
I’m a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, pro-separation of Church and State (and many other things) Republican. There’s a word for that in today’s political spectrum:
I’m sure there are pro-choice Republicans—I don’t know about “plenty,” though—just as there are gay Republicans, but they are not nearly as welcome in their party as anti-choice people are in the Democratic party. Tomi Lahren got a lot of grief for saying that the right to live free from government interference…
I can’t wait until the woman who grew up as an heiresses’ daughter, in multiple multi-million dollar homes, who went to private schools and Columbia University, calls me a liberal elite.
Plenty? Plenty? Seriously shut the fuck up. There are like 2 of these people and their party doesn’t give s fuck about what they think.
Nothing more irritating than an old person taking pride in not knowing things.
Complain, complain. Until you’ve tried to denude a scrotum without the assistance of a local anesthetic.... then you can come talk to me.
You must be fun at funerals.
The only thing more obnoxious than the folks who (justifiably) gripe about Penny Arcade’s aversion to comedy are the people who lie in wait to gripe about the griping. They are almost as obnoxious as the people who leave the “you must be fun at parties” comments.
There’s no pleasing you bastards. I laughed.
What he did was horrible and wrong. I’m in no way excusing or dismissing what he did. But, he was tried, convicted and served his time. As long as he is an upstanding member of the community and campus, I have no problem with him going to college and playing football.
I am surprising myself a little bit, but I am actually pretty uncomfortable with this. What he did is heinous and I think odds are pretty great that he’s a fundamentally shitty person but...I feel like a key to a rehabilitative justice system is that we don’t follow people around after they have done their time…
Hmm. I have mixed feelings. What he did was terrible but in general, I’m against criminals that have served their time continuing to be punished once they’ve been released. When you’re out, you’re out.
While this is awesome, these kind of stories give me pause as to the state of my home and the impression it would give to FBI raiders. Like was I really too tired to throw my clothes in the hamper last night? Would the FBI guys sit around the office post pre-dawn raid and muse “hey did you see tornado’s underpanties…
Single payer, not-for-profit. NOW. That’s the only acceptable replacement.
Oh good lord
Hey, girl who is probably mortified at seeing her bucket list splashed on the Internet for public critique. I just want you to know I admire you for knowing what you want and working on getting it. I had many a September roll around before I realized what I wanted to do that summer and you’re awesome for not doing…
Yeah...I sort of hate that this movie is being used as the laundry line that airs these issues. It’s an important point that deserves to be heard, but this is literally the third article I’ve read online about The Big Sick mainly discussing issues with white women/Asian men onscreen. It starts feeling like a…
Thank you. I came here to say this. People keep asking for stories about real people that are inclusive. THIS IS A FUCKING REAL STORY THAT IS INCLUSIVE. SO REAL IN FACT THAT IT FUCKING HAPPENED. Unless white women now have to either date within their race or no one is allowed to tell true stories about interracial…