LOL fuck off
Um. No. Much like therapeutic confidentiality, if someone is a threat to someone’s life or safety, that goes out the window.
Cow udders whatever I’m from the coast
Along those lines, instead of vaseline or chapstick you should just use the horse udder ointment.
THE BEST SONG. I still break into that song fairly regularly.
Lake Gropey-gone?
“It’s been a gropey week here in Lake Wobegon...”
I’ll say to this what I say to all hip religion:
these fools who get worked up over language but not the actual ruining of lives are the literal worst kind of garbage humans. i’ve been trying for almost a decade and a half, now, and i still can’t express the depth to which i wish they would all just fuck off to the hell they believe in.
This why me not drink coffee, me only eat Starbucks’ cookies. No packaging, no controversy!
Unless they’re in someone.
I specifically take issue with the inclusion of a mermaid front and center on every Starbucks cup. They’re an abomination and Noah left them off the ark for a reason. There were space issues and they can swim anyway. Also they maybe consume human flesh.
That’s so obviously photoshopped!
That’s great that they are using their positions to speak out against the wrongs of the world. I watched one of the pageants last month (?) where a contestant used her time to speak out against Trump’s “both sides” comments.
The whole thing reads to me that they had enough sailing skills to island hop within the Hawaiian islands, which is an extended day trip or an overnight or two depending on your final destination. My ex’s parents were this type of sailboat owner - fine for short hops, probably terrifyingly unqualified for anything…
Church goers are racist hypocrites. What a shock!
I’m glad these women are safe and alive, but in all honesty they are clearly incapable, incompetent mariners who have no business sailing anything more robust than those little swan paddleboats in a small lake.
‘Unreal’ as in play stupid games win stupid prizes.