Cuba would like to talk to you...
Cuba would like to talk to you...
If you want to make the argument SCUBA should be uh-bah rather than oo-buh, sure, fine by me, let’s start the campaign.
That’s how consistency works. But if you want I can also use the argument “Unless you say Jift for Gift GTFO” and that’s GET the fuck out, not JET the fuck out... would that make you feel better?
How do you pronounce SCUBA? Pay close attention to how you pronounce the U and the A. Then get back to me.
Unless you pronounce GUI as JEWWY, get the fuck outta here with your JIF nonsense.
Nope. She makes fun of herself for her weird desires (like to be a witch, with a hump back, and a claw), she makes fun of drinking culture, she makes fun of how girls are “too cool” for coats in the 20s, and her WWII joke is how we infantalize our grandparents... when Pip-pop or whatever lame white girl nick name we…
Except she’s best friends with Kate The Wasp, another female comic who doesn’t do vulgar Amy Schumer type stuff. Except she’s a staunch supporter of a lot of important feminist causes. Except she is one to generally laugh at herself. Except her point about being smart with your comedy and not “like one of the boys” is…
whatever. She still won the popular slope.
On a scale of Man of Steel bad to Suicide Squad bad, how many Martha’s bad is it?
Weird, I haven’t seen any comments where people are criticizing anyone’s lawyers for “working” or “doing their job.” fuck you talking about?
“otherwise law abiding gun owners” who disobey rules are also known is “armed criminals”
READ MORE, DAMMIT. Read more stuff or I'm totally going to shoot. I can FEEL it.
I know, right? I hate it when Torchinsky comes around and holds a gun to my head and makes me read stuff I don't want to. When I close my eyes, he has Orlove come over here and pry them open. Totally sucks.
Also, what's FOLKING mean? Or FEEK? And FASKING?
No, BIG news day for fake cars.
The Batmobile is one of the most iconic cars ever. A new Batmobile is always significant for car people with a soul.
You complain about a website not sticking to its focus, and in that complaint, spell the name of the website wrong?