
Wow, that is one, sure of himself guy! ‘Gotta admire that. Whenever I see the words “best” or “always” I’m always skeptical. Joke intended. But I’m still curious. You’re never too old to learn, and I’m 60. May I go out on a limb here? There is no one best way to cook a steak. This is the best way to cook a steak for

Best method I've found for a steak with a crispy bark and tender inside is as follows:

Yeah, totally pointless to investigate a potentially significant avenue for money laundering.

List of things you need to cook a steak perfectly:

So we have a “Steak Master” that works for ChefSteps, showing us how to cook the perfect steak that juuuuuuuuuust so happens to be using ChefSteps’ newest $299 product. Nice advertisement.

Any self respecting man who cooks his steak like a boil-in-the-bag dinner deserves to have his man card revoked.

I work in a high end steak house that ages it’s own steak and imports wagyu from Japan, and let me tell you, sous vide is terribly overrated. It absolutely ruins the texture of steaks, and if the cut is highly marbled, like say in wagyu, the fat is poorly rendered and you end up paying top dollar for gelatinous mush.

I’ve never had a bad experience using Alton Brown’s chimney-starter method of cooking a porterhouse. It’s quick and the results are wonderful.

“Fresh bay leaf, I don’t like dried bay leaves, dried ones are kind of crap.”

Further evidence that guy has no actual idea what he’s talking about.

I’m not even going to get into the scooting the steak around in the pan while trying to brown it...

not only is the machine pricey and requires a plastic bag, which I would argue might not be the best material to expose to increased temps for a prolonged period of time right next to your food. so it’s wasteful and expensive and has potential health hazards. vs just using a pan or a grill. which requires only gas or

So is it just me or does that steak look chewy and disgusting? Shouldn’t there be a crust on it?

This guy fails on so many levels. You do not cool steak in hot water. You do not sully it’s meaty perfection with green, leafy rabbit food. Pepper, a spice so awesome it’s desire fueled the search for the New World back in the 1400's, along with salt is all that is necessary.

Best advice for cooking a steak properly? Not this guy. Sporting a manly beard but talking like a valley girl gets a no confidence vote from me. Give me a video of a backwoods fat guy guzzling beer over an open pit with ten foot flames shooting out...that’s how you cook a frick’n steak.

Christ, are you really just letting this function as an ad for a sous vide company? I mean, I hope it doesn’t seem like I’m on a high horse when I ask: Is this fucking journalism at all?

45 minutes or more!?!

What kid of hipster bullshit is that?

I cook my steaks for 2-3 minutes each side, then let it rest for 10 minutes under foil.

Fucking perfect.

HA HA!!! 45 Minutes DOES NOT EQUAL the perfect cooking method for steak. WAY TOO LONG TO WAIT!!!! MAKES ME HANGRY!!!!!

Oh hey! An advertorial for ChefSteps Joule sous vide machine! I’ll definitely run out and buy this device because I want to be just like the hipster in this glorified commercial! Oh it’s $200? No problem!

Sure I can drink a few IPAs while my meat boils but it’s not that same as in the back yard with smoke and fire.

Boiling a steak? I get upset if I have to fry
Every Friday is steak night at our house, that means on the grill, regardless of temperature and weather.
At -20C or lower, the meat seems to taste better, because I suffered for it.

45+min!!?!!? Nope!