
Yeah why was that again? Oh yeah it was horribly destructive to wildlife.

Yeah we should just juice the entire planet in pesticides. Bet you wing nuts would love that.

No they’re recycling ooohhh! and having community gardens ahhhhhh!

I thought you found creative endeavors “useless”

How the F is having a community garden and recycling related in any way to being a yuppie? Kindness is a bad thing? Terrible article.

BS. The BEST (and only way) way too cook steak is over hardwood charcoal. “ohhh it’s so convenient!” F this hipster and his boiling condom.

Says someone with 0 understanding. This logo looks like a pile of shit. Although I’m not surprised that someone who thinks “anyone” can do graphic design would think it looks good. Get some culture you stupid motherfucker.