
Their larva/pupae are the primary source of food for hundreds of fish, amphibian, and insect species. Several organisms subsist almost entirely on them. I'll take viruses over a mass-extinction event, thanks.

I had the same idea actually. I would be concerned about birds and bats, plus I think baby fish eat the squirmy larval skeeters in ponds and lakes. We need a biologist up in here.

Mosquitos and their larvae provide food for many species in the ecosystem.

Well we’re talking about a bunch of people’s days being “ruined” by being delayed on their journeys by 1 minute, vs the one person that would have been “ruined” by a car crash potentially leading to major property damage, personal injuries, disfigurement, and death.

Not going to ruin my day, I’m an attorney.

Yes, you’re an asshole. You may or may not be an attorney, but you are a full-on asshole. Which is usually the same thing...

Yeah, because an accident at highway speeds will totally be awesome because you are a lawyer. Unless, you know, you die, you are left with lingering soft tissue damage, the other person dies because you thought it would be funny to slow down for no reason.

So, you intentianally try to cause wrecks, which you will count on being blamed on the guy behind you? You are a fine “officer of the court,” who obviously routinely lies, and I hope, when one of these guys finally does tag you, a fuel leak takes care of our problem. Shakespeare was right...

Great, so because you are a lawyer its ok to get into an accident and waste taxpayer resources because you decide to fuck with a tailgater. Take a cop off duty as they deal with the mess you created. Clogg lanes of traffic and delay business. You sound like a lawyer.

You’re a selfish asshat who is only making the situation worse. Share the road and stay right except to pass.....dick.

Agreed, that’s just complete bullshit thinking. My wife gets that way all the time by getting all defensive and endangering her(our) car and risking possible injury just because she is “in the right”. Every time I tell her it’s not worth the potential hassle and hazard to us/her/them, just get away from the situation

Fact: tailgating is an asshole move.

Im not surprised that you’re a piece of shit since you’re a attorny, but I am surprised that your logic is so fucked. I mean you realize that by fucking with an asshole driver you’re stooping to their level, thus being an asshole driver as well. You seem like a genuinely horrible person, and I hope one of those

I’m on the get out of the way wagon here. There is zero reason to purposefully stay in a lane, and brake check to boot, when you can just move over and let them on their way. If on a 2 lane road just ignore it or pull over and let them go be dangerously close to someone else’s car.

Did you not read the article?

People also tend to (falsely) believe that they are good drivers while everyone else on the road is bad. This is because people tend to generate excuses for their actions based on their perception while not doing the same for other drivers, getting back to your point about deindividualization. The fact of the matter

Getting your car wrecked, having to pull over and deal with an accident is pretty much the same if you are a lawyer or not and I can tell you, it sucks. Then dealing with insurance and auto body places to get it fixed (if that’s all that happens) also sucks.

Maybe because you don’t magically control what happens when one car hits another car at high speeds?

Not being an angry asshole behind the wheel isn’t that difficult if you adopt the attitude of treating other drivers as you want to be treated.

If you do not use a turn signal you are an asshole. PERIOD.