
That's CBS trying to spin it because at this point, nobody can deny Margulies is the one who has a problem.
Christine, Matt and Josh (as well as Jill Flint) have nothing but great things to say about working with Archie and they're all friends with her off-set so I doubt she's "difficult".
I guess Margulies would find

Hell, Cumberbatch is still in Sherlock and he manages to be in 4 movies a year at least.

Margulies got character envy. This was supposed to be her big comeback to tv and she gets upstaged by a virtually unknown Brit who gets the spotlight in the media from the start and manages to win an Emmy in season 1.
Then the writers came up with that ridiculous Peter affair and people massively take Kalinda's "side"

I'd be stunned if they were even on set. Archie tweeted about working with Margulies's double in the finale so I doubt we'll get anything of the kind.
Look, their lead is pulling a diva and doesn't want to work with a co-star anymore, fine. Then they should let her go and not take us for idiots with BS like that.

heh well I couldn't blame him for not being very proud of that show

lol did he ask him if he was Ryan Morissette?

I agree that Rachel is only interested in Paul for 2 reasons:
#1 she's in control of him
#2 he was Sarah's toy, now he's hers.
It's not about hurting Sarah, it's about claiming what was hers. She resents Sarah for growing up free of the Dyad, of the knowledge of what she was, and for Kira.

I am so disappointed! I was excited by the news and it turns out she won't have a scene with Mirren.
Plus… whoever thought Ryan Reynolds sharing a screen with Maslany was a good idea is clearly out of his mind. She could act circles around him with one foot tied to her back, on a unicycle

Oral sex is gross? How old are you?

That would be so stupid honestly! For one thing he can't be one of the clones if he has a Y chromosome. And if they start having clones left and right, it diminishes the value of the clones we have.

Maybe it's because Helena didn't "almost" kill her. She just knocked her out. If she had wanted to kill her, she'd be dead.
And it's not "mostly" her fault. She was the one who "almost" killed Helena and it wasn't for lack of trying that she didn't.

She kinda held a gun to Art's head and had a sniper rifle at Rachel, Paul and then Sarah so if they had wanted to make her a threat, they could have. I think Tasha has a point.

It's just one of the many meanings, imo.

Not only don't they have any reason to sterilize the clones (especially using something as silly and uncontrollable as… polyps? when there are way better and safer options) but it would make absolutely no sense for them to.

No I think you are pretty right. They are Neolutionists. They're just trying to improve on nature basically. We've always known why really.
The military angle was really only ever present as one armed guy in a picture from way back. We never saw any more than basic security guys at the Dyad. Doesn't quite look military.

I don't think you're far off but I think you're just pushing it a little bit too far. They *are* trying to fix something, they are trying to fix human's frailty. They are eugenicists. It's not about one specific person.

It's kinda obvious why they are being watched and tested though. The point being to create viable human life, it's a good idea to see just how viable it is. They are getting not only medical reports but also psychological reports. They want to know how the clones behave themselves in society, how they manage stress

Well, he apparently pissed off his "partners" when he took offense to the fact his work was being used for military drones so I'm guessing he might have his own problems.

Nah that was just trailer bait. Mrs S knows Paul from last season, that's all.

Oh Gods no. That would be so boring and pedestrian!
The Neolutionists are eugenicists. They are merely trying to improve on nature and to fabricate a new branch of evolution.