
The dude sold his soul to the devil because they have something on him. He doesn't love Sarah, he's not going to risk his life for hers, basically. Nothing ground-breaking

He has a funny way of showing it if he is.

Right on! This episode had more intensity, characterization and depth than most shows can manage in a whole season even on cable!

Unless she gets a special episode where she hosts… and plays everyone else's parts.

Sondheim should do a Clone Club musical!

Pretty neat, isn't it? And Helena actually does look a little rounder than the others. Cosima a little curvier. Of course Tatiana's performance is what seals the deal but these little details definitely help make it more credible.

No. They didn't lose the original DNA, they lost the original genome. The map to the new and improved genome that they made from the original DNA.

She tried to kill her because she saw her as a threat to her family. I think it was more of an outburst from losing Amelia than anything else. It's not about sisters, they're twins. I guess it's hard for singles to understand.

She only takes hugs from her twin though so Sarah better not lose her from sight.

Two emmy-worthy performances in the same scene… two episodes in a row. *Has* be a record!

unless he took some steroids to get those abs and then it doesn't mean much.

A lot of people thought that maybe the Dyad goons had been the ones causing the lab explosion but considering the importance of the data lost, I think it's more likely that the Duncans tried to destroy everything. Ethan Duncan might be a danger to the project and that's why Leekie wants to know where he is. To finish

Absolutely, the show keeps a big supply of complex "villains" with their own motivations and is very skilled at playing them against each other. One day's enemy may be tomorrow's ally so you never quite know what's going to happen next.

Well it's called "science *fiction*" for a reason.

I don't think Rachel is "attracted" to Paul. She's attracted to power and she knows that whatever power the Dyad has given her is just an illusion because she's property, like the other clones. So she gets her power kick any way she can. Paul is basically a dildo in that scene.
Genders are indeed subverted here. Paul

Women who have plastic surgery don't usually keep wrinkles for decor, dumbass

Glad to hear about all these projects. I hope they make it to the small screen. Spencer should take Allison Janney with her just to get her away from that mess of a sitcom she's in right now and you know, just cause.

And a steady regimen of human sacrifices probably. But yeah, damn, she's gorgeous!

I believe Scully mentions the baby was male at some point, yes. You're right, it makes even more sense, creepy sense.

It's odd that the Peacocks motivation are discussed as opaque here. It always made sense to me that they would kill the baby because he wasn't viable, considering the degree of genetic mutations.