I totally read that, and most certainly imagined that as porn squad.
I totally read that, and most certainly imagined that as porn squad.
I noticed that with my family and raises I had made in the past. Because of this, the next raise I received, I set to auto-save that exact amount monthly. That’s my plan moving forward for any raises. We’re living comfortably, so we might as well save/invest anything beyond this. That way, any unforeseen problems…
Pay your goals first. Retirement savings, college savings, savings to start your business, etc. Put that aside FIRST
Anyone who is appalled by the tone of this email is adorably inexperienced when it comes to receiving emails from the executive leadership down to middle management and below. The genre is always self-congratulatory and filled with ‘team wins’ that mean nothing to the recipients, but the execs feel like ‘sharing the…
Different culture, different parenting.
YUP. Like a lot of people who work at home, was probably in boxers!
Here’s a Hot Take. Mark Cuban can get fucked with a tire iron. Just because he’s not a Trump guy doesn’t mean he’s not another piece of shit billionaire who has no issues intimidating the press to make sure his garbage basketball teams fees aren’t hurt.
Glad everything turned out ok, but let’s not pretend those German Typhoons were there to ensure the safety of the flight and its passengers.
this is awesome. I love this so much.
I knew driver training in Germany was really, really good.
It appears that Bilbo returned to the Shire in a fly yellow hatchback.
Eh... pretty much false. Steve Bannon looks pretty much what you look like if you live off a diet of bread and Jim Bean. Trying going all protein sometime and see how much weight you can keep on.
I am getting hoarse from yelling this, but Republicans don’t even have to like their candidates for them to show up and vote for them. They will literally vote for horrible people who they don’t particularly like, because they know at the end of the day, that they’ll largely get the job done that they want done.
Right thats how I’ve been greeting pals:
“were you pregnant when the wall fell? and if not, why?”
I like to think I’m trying just hard enough. The only problem is that I have no idea what I’m doing.
It would be a bold move, but I would love it if for that episode they had continuity between each skit and just made the entire show like a super dysfunctional West Wing.
This was the most inspired move by SNL in a long time. You just know its going to get under EVERYONE’S skin in the Trump Admin. Everyone knows Trump watches SNL like a hawk, here’s hoping next week’s Alec Baldwin ep is 100% Trump jokes. They fucking owe it to us after giving Dear Leader a whole show to himself.
This was pitch perfect. I’m pretty sure the real Spicer would love a podium he could pick up and beat people with.
I'm firmly (no pun) in the "cock ring = sex toy" camp here. They're designed specifically to aid erections, and not for decoration such as piercing. Furthermore, the whole idea of "trying to avoid shrinkage" is totally antithetical to the nudist value system that stresses self-acceptance of one's own body and…