
I just... I just... GAHHAHHAH!

The residents of Boston yell "Fuck you" in just the same horrifying accent each and every time.

Your experience in this thread is exactly why I (a female, for the record) generally stay the fuck away from a lot of Jez comment threads. Nothing about what you said was unreasonable or untrue. You did not say that all women do this. It becomes almost a philosophical question. If enough people say Saucisson said ALL

They do. Get the fuck over it.

I watched the first season in a few days. I never have nightmares and things dont really scare me, but oh my god the nightmares this show gave me!!! So worth it

Hmmm, I got curious enough to look it up on google.

"Not the cool ones."

Maybe it's just a regional thing? I never heard the phrase in my time in North Carolina or Indiana, but here in PA it's pretty commonplace from members of both genders.

This woman. I think Jezebel even covered the book. The title says people, but the whole conceit is that she trained her husband using techniques she used as an animal trainer But she was being "light-hearted" and I don't think she ever suggests refusing to let the man express sexual disinterest.

I'm with you 100%. In fact, this uproar is baffling to me. A good number of my female coworkers and family members talk about "training" their men. I always took it as a joke, but it most definitely least in my experience it does.

Yeah no, I'm 31 and I've heard plenty of women use it. Some jokingly, some seriously... but it definitely sees some use.

Oh, now you gone and done it.

I've never had any interest in the other 'American Horror Story' seasons but I really want to watch this one. I'm not good with scary stuff though. I don't like things that jump out and will easily have nightmares. Witches though! I've always been fascinated with witches.

HOLY SHIT. those credits always force me to remind myself that i am an adult and it is not acceptable to pee my pants. also i threatened to break up with my manfriend once because he set the theme song as his alarm and i woke up with the most terror in my heart WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT

Unless the consequence is the ending of the relationship, then yeah, awful, no good, very bad man.

Telling your vegetarian/vegan friends that they can eat a dish with chicken broth in it is a dick move. No, they won't die but they might get diarrhea or just be really, really, justifiably pissed at you for being such a dick.

He's also clearly thought it through with care because he is targeting the employees not guests. The guests are likely to be wealthy and white, the employees are likely to be financially disadvantaged, racially disadvantaged, possibly with poor English, unlikely to trust the police, and unlikely to be trusted by the


This guy contacted me on okcupid last year and when I didn't respond, he emailed me again (persistent little fucker) and demanded to know why. This is his exact message -