
"I think her parents really made a mistake," mused the sociopathic monster whose bizarre childhood experiences spearheaded by a dominant megalomaniac of a father have mutated her into a test case for the negative influence of overcompetitive youth athletics.

introduce a bitch! don't keep it all for yourself!

Well, he might have lost the leg, but at least we're winning the Battle of the Bulge.

It is heartening (if that is a word) to see other people run immediately to her aid.

I'm down for that. I don't care to play pink cupcake princess games either, but I've never been a Tonka truck kinda girl. I identify strongly with being a woman and wouldn't mind having a smart and savvy woman game aimed in my direction.

I was actually taught in a self defense course to not assume that will always work. If a person is very agitated even extreme pain won't be enough, and a hit to the junk — insanely painful though it may be — doesn't incapacitate a person enough to make you safe. It might just further enrage the attacker.

Ever get the feeling we're deliberately being distracted from something?

Every single time I hear "electrolytes," I think of Idiocracy.

It has what plants crave...

That wasn't panting. That was something called a flehmen response. It's the same thing house cats do when they sniff something and then sit there with their mouth open.

It is ALL about the lil' one in the background.

The little one, in the background, is also fresh to death.

Wow! She's f'n good!! Wholely unrelatedly, where is Jezebel's coverage of Turkey? There are a lot of women there taking to the streets for their rights. You should cover it! Don't buy into this media blackout.


Just finished watching The Fall on Netflix. It has Gillian Anderson essentially stepping into the shoes of Helen Mirren in Prime Suspect. I'll just re-watch that instead of going to see this.

Terrifying wood shards aside, it still pleases me a great deal that we launch multi-million dollar ships by basically hurling them at the sea.

This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

When Lou Dobbs called her "oh dominant one" I wanted to toss my computer out the window and go on a misogyny ax murder spree.