
*Non-facebook user/vegan/atheist looks around sheepishly*

10" i read a ton of comics on mine. ive read them on a smaller kindle and it juust wasnt as comicbook sized

however, i hate lugging around my tablet on errands and to my doctors appointments, and a 7" would be a lot more pocket friendly for that

I had a 10" Transformer and currently use a 9" Nook HD+. While resolution matters more, I like having the bigger size for comic reading, which is what I mostly do on my tablet. At 10", you are at about the same size as a regular comic, but I acutally enjoy the portability of the Nook more and the slightly smaller

I totally understand why 7 inch tablets have become so popular, but I have a good reason for sticking with 10": I primarily use my tablet to read magazines and comic books, which I'd prefer to be bigger than 7" so I can actually read the text, marvel at the art, and so on without having to do too much zooming.

Actually, you know, considering how bad average user passphrases are and how bad they are about their security (Sticky notes on the desk and monitor.) I'd far rather average users be required to carry, to keep safe and secure and to insert a physical key to use a computer. Much better security I think.

Besides, they aren't reliant on batteries. Comes in handy, when your car battery is dead or, in the case of a home, there is a natural disaster (i.e. hurricane) and the power is out. Occam's Razor.

Im pretty sure if Blue Jeans were no longer a thing I would have to walk around in my underwear and a shirt.

You do know they make those self stick stamps and envelopes now, no licking necessary, right? Progress!

I live in a country in which scientific illiteracy is not only accepted, it's encouraged and venerated as a sign of intellectual freedom. We're not going to be living in the future until the public en masse understands that vaccine conspiracies are antiscientific nonsense, climate change is happening before our eyes,

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Hello, I'm Devin. Went to film school, now I do web development for a small business. Grew up and still live in the Philadelphia area. I collect board games and love superheroes (mostly DC characters, though I can't possibly understand what the hell DC is thinking lately) and sci-fi. Here's my senior thesis animation

My name is Will. My comments almost never get published.

Hi! I'm a pseudonymous person using the internet for my personal amusement and sometimes my job, who enjoys the notion that "on the internet, nobody knows you're a dog" and grossly mistrusts advertising, marketing, "communications" in the wishy-washy, non-technical, even-squishier-than-the-rest-of-the-humanities

I'm an architect doing my MSc in Archaeology in Pakistan annnnnnnnnnnnd hoping to do some good in the future by preserving the epic heritage of this country kthnxbye ^_^

The NSA is going to love this.

Before people think of putting personal data here, I want to remind them that Gawker Networks have a no data deletion policy that's pretty ironclad. You can close your account but never erase your comment history. They're stored and up here for all time. So don't put anything here that you're not 100% happy with the

Norwegian architecture student in Prague. Wannabe writer and smart-ass.

No mention of BitTorrent Sync?

Vote: foobar2000

Look at collectorz comic app saucemaster. It is for PC and also has a app for your phone which you can sync with your PC so you can see your want list and full collection on your phone if you want. I have about 9k comics and I have used that for 2 years and it works great.

This is ridiculous. The Milky Way doesn't have peanuts. Snickers does.