One way around that is use a cloud based such as ; they have free trial, no sure if that helps.
One way around that is use a cloud based such as ; they have free trial, no sure if that helps.
It’s great that Trevor Noah gets called out on being an arsehole — and yes, because intersectionality is a real thing, being an able bodied straight cis-man of colour on the receiving end of casual institutional racism AND a perpetrator of sexism and ableism are NOT mutually exclusive states.
Let’s see TDS put on a disabled correspondent. Disabled rights are civil rights. (God, I sound s0-don’t say it- so- don’t say it-special. I can poke fun at myself.)
I was walking down Vine in Hollywood, on my way to Trader Joe’s after a long sweaty day working at a DV shelter in the Valley. I had to wear a back brace because I have scoliosis that was never addressed because I only had insurance on and off as a child. I was painfully aware of how horrible I looked, in pain,…
Wife and I are in a long distance relationship due to work requirements. We absolutely live by this guideline. Stuff gets WAY out of hand when you don’t have body language to read. I would add that facetime or skype are a good second option if distance is an issue. Avoid serious stuff over the phone and especially…
It would be nice if the Daily Beast had 1. Double checked that they had the right person before printing his picture and HOME ADDRESS; 2. Issued an actual correction to the story and not just rolling updates and a twitter apology; 3. Acknowledged that Wonkette noticed their error and tried to get them to change it for…
Handy Pocket Guide to Mass-Shooting Reactions in America:
So profits are the only measure? There is no other metric?
Complete lack of strategy is not new. Reactionary is the right word for it.
I honestly forgot there were people like this, who gasp and “eww” at cheap things.
I don't think assigning your own value to things is a very good idea. When I worked in a guitar store, people who know nothing about guitars would think that it's crazy to spend $100 on a guitar when in reality it's a miracle anyone is able to even sell them for that cheap. It's a better idea to research what the…
What’s so great about the mushroom version is that for a 1-cup serving they have a whopping 1 gram of protein and 2 grams of fiber!
So it’s no big deal to beat the shit out of a professional boxer? He gets paid to be hit, so he has no right to complain if it happens just any old time anyone feels like it? It’s no big deal to shoot a professional soldier? He gets paid to get shot at!
great point.
great point.
The constant “It’s $10, who cares?” mantra I see in these posts is such a weird contradiction to everything else that finds its way into the Lifehacker feed. I wonder how much landfill is created on this day alone by people buying junk like this that they will use twice and never again.
The constant “It’s $10, who cares?” mantra I see in these posts is such a weird contradiction to everything else…
I have used bittorrent sync for over six months. At least one of your devices should be one if you are syncing to another device. If you have multiple devices on at the same time, it will download from all of the devices locations to get your new device in sync.
Honestly no I did not and I retract my last post.
I don't think they even read the whole title, never mind the post.