
Also, as far as i know, if you plan on using WOL with your laptop, it needs to be hard wired into your network / router. And if you plan on using task scheduler to wake up your laptop, you need to go to your advanced power settings and make sure "allow wake timers" is set to "enable". (along w/ appropriate bios

For waking at a certain time, create a task in Task Scheduler and set it to "wake this computer to run this task." It can be something simple - like running an empty batch file. There are utilities to set RTC wake, but this is by far the easiest. You may have to enable RTC Wake / ACPI Wake Up in the BIOS/EFI

"For every Wolverine, there are countless lame characters — lame not necessarily because their powers are useless, but because the characterthemselves are useless."

Reassuring, actually, that so many of us leapt in to say, hang on hang on, about Beak (and Jubilee, Kitty Pryde, et al).

I was gonna say the same; you beat me to it. The whole point of the character is to represent the mutants that aren't hot with cool powers.

who CARES?

No X-23? Her superpowers are to entice teenage boys that really just want a hot babe with Wolverine's powers. She even has an "X" in her name.

It probably happened before you started then, Beak was created by Grant Morrison for New X-Men and this happened in that run. Unless he was in X-Factor at the same sort of time, I never read it.

First of—"Lifeguard is actually Slipstream’s brother, which is an immediate point against her."? Is that a misprint or is the character transgender?

Didn't Xorneto try to get Beak to commit genocide for him, and Beak told him to shove it up his ass? Can't remember the specifics.

I was pretty satisfied with this list until you tried to slam Cypher.

"Slipstream could use this ability to travel to virtually any point on Earth at faster-than-light speed."

Wasn't not having any useful powers the point for Beak? He was one of the Morlocks, and the main point for them was that they actually looked like mutants (unlike say Ice Man or Gambit) so they hid underground, and tried to avoid the Marauders.

Aw, man. Loved Jubilee when I was younger, and Beak when I came back to comics as an adult.

Let's be nerds here, okay?

Part of the point of Beak's character is that he had no useful powers. He was supposed to be a window into mutation as a metaphor for social affliction, and not in the mutants-are-oppressed-but-at-least-they-get-claws-and-a-healing-factor sort of way. That makes him anything other than useless as a character.

Thats not a tower. Thats a sprinkler.

Entirely out of water...except for the plumbing and the steel support structure. Aside from all those building materials, it's all water, about like the way my house is made only of paint. Except for the wood and concrete & stuff, you know.

This is the stupidest thing I have ever seen on io9.

That's not a building.