The man who cited the Holocaust now runs an archipelago of concentration camps for children. Get lost, you fucking hypocrite.
The man who cited the Holocaust now runs an archipelago of concentration camps for children. Get lost, you fucking hypocrite.
Maybe, though, if we treat prison more like a rehabilitation center and give inmates (particularly non-violent first-timers) the tools necessary to grow and thrive, they won’t be so likely to commit crimes again?
Did you ever think that a system which dehumanizes them and makes little attempt at rehabilitation is the reason why they end up back in prison?
For people new to nature, take all the pictures your heart desires but for fucks sake LEAVE NO TRACE of your presence there.
I love these. Somehow, the idea that you can’t tell at first if it’s real or not provides me with some kind of weird catharsis.
That’s insulting to mentally ill people. I am being sincere when I say this. I have mental health issues.
Let’s not do this. I have lots of friends with mental illness who are perfectly capable of understanding that this is bullshit.
No one knows hos fucking proof works anymore.
I’d like to know how most of those people got into Q Anon. I’m being deeply presumtious, but most of them, don’t look like people who’d thrawl a regular messageboard, let alone a hivemaze like the various itterations of chan boards.
I wouldn’t be surprised they latched on to it, because they saw a “sayin-like-it-is”-mem…
“child sex rings”
I love how he hates Jeff Bezos and Amazon but will also readily use Amazon as a source for success.
So is beating a wife and child. But you’re taking the position that overstaying is worse? It’s a bad enough crime that the domestic violence is ok to overlook and let off the hook just to get the overstaying immigrant? You really should think.
Trumpers can put up with a lot, but they will NOT like being lied to, that I can tell you.
The only form of leave (the FMLA) was passed by the Democratic party. The only states with paid leave programs are controlled by the Democratic party. Clinton proposed a leave bill which would have provided 12 weeks of paid maternity leave. The Democratic house and senate both introduced a paid leave bill in 2016. The…
Well for one, she was passionate about her career, worked really hard to get to a point that thousands try and fail to do so, and had been afforded opportunities to travel the world while building her portfolio.
Conservatives really have no concept of truth, do they? Just power and sycophancy. If the rich guy says the sky is pink, then by God, it’s always been thus.
Remember, no matter how uncomprehendingly they intone slogans like MAGA! and Lock Her Up!, what they’re always actually saying is “Will Lick Taint For Cash”.…
A town with no business district left, no money and desperate addicts. Im sure adding non-taxpaying people, with zero resources to these towns will be solution us dumbies overlooked.
Where did you learn to spell dummy??
For the first time in his evil life, he may actually experience the scent of grass, the sun on his vile skin, a sound he has never taken the time to recognize. He may be filled with an alien bliss.