For the first time in his evil life, he may actually experience the scent of grass, the sun on his vile skin, a sound he has never taken the time to recognize. He may be filled with an alien bliss.
For the first time in his evil life, he may actually experience the scent of grass, the sun on his vile skin, a sound he has never taken the time to recognize. He may be filled with an alien bliss.
People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.
Fuck that guy, fuck Walgreens, and fuck the law making it ok.
I thought I’d add a new take on a fan favorite.
Lets see what her hubby has to say about that. Pretty sure he finds it far easiest to simply spew hate constantly.
Yep. One of the rare times that a conservative’s stance winds up directly biting them in the ass. If you declare that a private business can refuse customers for any reason... that means any reason; like for example, if you’re a Trump supporter.
I really don’t care, do you?
Preemptively posting a giant FUCK YOU to anyone who criticizes this action.
“I heard that they are very happy and they love to study, they love to go to school.”
Stephen Miller is a dedicated public servant! I need to be able to contact him. Providing his number is a valuable public service. Otherwise, how will we find out if his refrigerator is running? Does he have Prince Albert in a can? Where am I to put all of these flaming bags of dogshit and how will these 40 Papa…
Twitter is garbage and people should stop using it.
This woman is trash.
I love it, very Chretien-style. I’d also settle for Trudeau giving Trump the old Shawinigan handshake.
He looks even tinier here.
This in a nutshell embodies everything about trump. Showing up late and disrupting a meeting about women’s empowerment and then pasting his signature shit eating insufferable grin on his fat ugly face. I really wish one Merkel had thrown oj in his face. You can bet he was late on purpose too, just to make a statement.
I’m sure that he thinks a “trade deficit” means that someone owes us money.
I’m seriously considering putting a blown-up, lamented copy this picture on my lawn.
What makes you think he *knows* he will get separated from his child? You think he is reading the paper while crossing the border illegally? Sure, he may have heard through the great-vine on his laborious trip, but what makes you think he has time to watch the news? Why do you assume he is well informed on the current…