In my experience, saying yes to shots is a good indicator of being too close to blackout territory to make drinking said shots an even remotely good idea.
In my experience, saying yes to shots is a good indicator of being too close to blackout territory to make drinking said shots an even remotely good idea.
Glad to read that Megyn spent more time on bad shots in Mexico than in Texas.
And if it is a mental health issue, then why did 45 revoke the checks on mental health when buying a gun?
What I don’t understand is why “this” cannot be both a mental health issue and a gun issue.
“a mental health problem at the highest level”
A tremendous loss of.perfectly good seamen - reminds of a story my yugely successful real estate friend used to, when the boys scouts go to bed I’ll tell you about another waste of semen - and it’s not about Donald Jr believe me - but it does involve boats like these fine ships, except my friends boats were for sex…
They were already in church; how many more prayers do they need?? It’s time for more action and less praying.
still more likely to be killed by a white man with a gun than a islamic terrorist in a truck.
It’s especially weird because doing one thing doesn’t stop you from doing the other. Even if a miner learns to be a plumber or computer programmer he can still work in a mine if one reopens. Education gives you more, not less, freedom.
The idea of “merit based immigration” is also funny coming from the “they’re taking our jobs!” crowd. Like, sure, you can give visas to people who have computer engineering degrees- but there are already Americans who have those degrees and want to work in that field. There aren’t tons of Americans who want to spend…
I grew up in a county in Alabama which had/has the most churches per capital in the state. I was a fundamentalist evangelical Christian as a teen, surely a tedious bore even to my religious classmates, and a general pain in the ass to everyone around me. I policed the actions of my entire family, and my only friends…
On the other hand, why should I give two shits what right wing publications think about anything whatsoever?
Yeah, Uzbekistan isn’t part of the conventional definition, though I’d argue it was a deeply integrated part of the Islamic world prior to the Russian expansion into Central Asia. Bukhara, Samarqand, Khiva, Urgench, all important cities in greater Persia and major players in Islamic learning and sciences.
Exactly. When the terrorist threat is magnified out of proportion, it is easily used by politicians to support their own agendas, from “let’s arm everyone” to “increase the nuclear arsenal.” And it thereby sucks resources from issues affecting many more Americans in much worse ways.
Bollards make it difficult to enter areas like this. The problem is bollards are relatively expensive so they need to be used strategically. Still, any time you can make their plan more difficult you raise the chance of them committing an error in the process and being caught before the attack, or limit the lethality…
I’m becoming convinced that Sarah pounds a bottle of vodka before every presser. She was bumbling every other word and halfway through, I’m pretty sure she forgot where she was going with this nonsense. Also, the very rich already pay less as a percentage of their income than the middle class, so the whole point is…
This parable also seems to assume that everyone is having an equal amount of beer, which extended to our budget is, ummm, not exactly the case.
I’m willing to bet they’re also not screeching about kneeling NFL players disrespecting the flag either... because THAT would be hypocrisy! LOL!