Just remember we are victims of horrific gerrymandering that has kept republicans in power.
Just remember we are victims of horrific gerrymandering that has kept republicans in power.
It’s impossible to have a conversation about racism in which prejudice by non-white people is written off as harmless because it lacks the institutional backing that white prejudices have. Either racism is systemic—in which case individual people have no reason to feel culpable or responsible for it—or it is…
I was at St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice earlier this year and you cannot take pictures inside because obviously everything is old as fuck. Ground breaking was in 978.
a friend recently said to me regarding these people: “if taxes are the biggest concern you have, you have no legitimate problems”
People who bitch about funding “other people’s” education are the same people who will complain that all their doctors are Indian.
Hold the fuck up. Steven Mnuchin’s new shiksa wife is the angel-haired Zambian war lady??? Why didn’t I know that?
Yep. My last boyfriend once had an earth shattering temper tantrum where he lost his shit completely and blamed me for all of his issues with intimacy because I didn’t look him in the eye as much as he would’ve liked one day. Same dude used to gaslight the shit out of me and said I made him feel smothered when I asked…
You can’t change history, but you can learn from it.
Thank you so much for throwing women’s reproductive rights in there.
I’ve spent the last 5 years of my career very involved in DV education & many aspects of DV (prosecution, advocacy, training, etc.). I’ve read the articles in this series, so I’m familiar with the chosen format. However, I’m super disappointed in this discussion. This is an incredibly important topic. Knowledge and…
“He talks like I talk!”
If I fucking hear one more conservative asshole say that we shouldn’t have to help or take in refugees I’m going to fucking shove copies of this article down their throats. People in other countries are being tortured, raped and killed in the most unimaginable of circumstances and they come here, or to Europe, or any…
Okay, then, let’s do this. No more political correctness. Let’s honor the man as he truly deserves to be honored, as a fully equal human being subject to the very same rules as everybody else.
So they are lifting protections on Yosemite grizzly bears so we figured they’ll encourage the uninsured to go to the park and get eaten by grizzlies. The bears will be subsequently fattened up with the flesh of the poors, just in time for Don Jr. and Eric to shoot them. Problem solved.
I don’t want to be that guy, but Canada has to do way better on climate issues (that includes Trudeau’s government) than they have been. And, it’s going to take a lot more courage for Canada then us since more of their economy is based on extraction industries.
You’re confused. Just because they care about stopping abortions doesn’t mean they care about babies.
But that’s just not true. That’s like saying that no real follower of Christ would refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual couple. Actually, you can find very real support for this sort of thing in their religious texts (whether we like to admit it or not). Sure, the vast majority of Muslims wouldn’t do this, and…
God, it doesn’t even occur to you, sometimes, the new ways people can and do find to be fucking despicable. All these families freaking out, unable to find their loved ones...... it’s just making me sick. If there IS a hell, there had better be a special place in it for the sorts of people who get their jollies from…
No, look. Shut up. The human heart can only hold so much love. It’s basic science stuff. And if you really love and care about your family and Jesus like Republicans do, then you don’t have enough room left to love anyone else. Cause Jesus takes up a fucking shit load of space in the human heart. That’s another…