
Could you try sending your daughter part-time at first? I have a 10-month old who now spends full days at daycare, but he started off by spending only 1 hour a day there, then 2, then half-days and finally full days. It makes it a easier for the child, and a lot easier for the parent!

Same here! And the random people who exclaim "but you're just so BIG! Are you sure you're not carrying twins?" Um, if I were carrying twins, I'm sure my doctor would have seen it on the ultrasounds.

Also, lots of time. With all the paperwork involved in moving abroad, you really need to plan ahead. Take things one step at a time and break things down into manageable chunks. Good luck!

Meh, I bought the cheapest tests available at my pharmacy (the kind where you pee in a cup and dip the test stick in). It worked fine, ie positive result when I was actually pregnant! They were two for $8.

Ease into your workout routine progressively. If you try to be too intense in the beginning, you'll burn yourself out and quit. Figure out what you enjoy doing, and have fun doing it - you're better off hiking 3 times a week than doing bootcamp once a week.

Every three/four weeks on average. I used to do it less, but now I live with my boyfriend and he sweats more (and the sheets see more action), and I can sleep in smelly sheets only so long.

Nope... Did you copy the .gif URL into the bar that appears when you click on "Add image"? That's the way to go!