
Shinohara’s fall looks like a timely homage to the UK Brexit.

How costly can maintaining their servers be? Probably not that costly for a large company that buys in bulk.

Yes, precisely on Jet ... people have been doing crazy stuff with fertilizer for centuries.

Doom’s reboot is the same price. Nothing crybaby about it, just pure greed on their part.

The lore really isn’t as important as I often see people argue, because we already experience countless retcons and alternate comic universes with variations of all the popular characters.

Not really Valve’s fault, but GTA 5 is ‘only’ $35.99 ... what a joke.

Should be able with PC to turn off essential if she has it via console commands, then stealth kill her somewhere.

I look at it differently.

I can’t recall an MVP ever fouling out of a playoff game before. Has it ever happened before?

Reading over the “This isn’t Resident Evil” on message boards ...

On the follow-ups, people have a hard time listening to others, so they don’t think to ask a simple yes-no on further details that the speaker should be able to answer.

Unfortunately, I’m past trusting them. They haven’t done anything EA-horrendous, but they sure are turning their IP into cash grabs since Red Dead Redemption (didn’t really like that game either).

Most people go through their lives without a 1st horrible anything for action, which is the “mmm hmmm” part for everyone else who doesn’t do these things.

He can try to evade all he wants. But I have a hard time believing someone who is that disgusting in treatment of others hasn’t already done something else just as horrible that nobody knows about ... or unfortunately won’t eventually do even worse to someone else.

PC is master race, if you’re talking superiors.

Aaaand it’s back to the $109.99 regular price. Must have noticed with the reports and flood sales of it.

When they kept patching things out over the initial 3 month period (no repeat missions, nerfed payouts for missions, et al), I stopped playing it ... waiting for single-player DLC, which has been since December ‘13 that I’ve been waiting. And after 2014 passed, I wasn’t holding my breath or anything.

plenty to do online ... I liked IV’s online muuuch more. not being able to repeat missions was aggravating in V.

Date Released: Sept 17th, 2013.