No, because some interns are actually paid a stipend. Not every company is terrible, just most.
No, because some interns are actually paid a stipend. Not every company is terrible, just most.
Hammer Time’s parents are loaded. Nothing greases the wheels of justice like $$$$$$$$$$$$$. :(
Barry Deutsch is a political cartoonist and the author of Hereville, a fantasy adventure comic about an…
No, he’s right. It’s popular enough, but people don’t tune in to watch random Royals/Tigers games the way they would turn in to watch any random NFL game. They follow their team, and if they’re really into fantasy, the teams their players are on, but most people aren’t compelled to watch any game that happens to be on…
I disagree with that. I think the NBA is a national sport at this point (like the NFL, and unlike baseball and hockey, which are entirely regional sports), and can be successful with the vast majority of fans knowing their own teams have no chance. But if there are multiple contenders and good, close playoff series,…
David Cage’s next ~emotional~ sci-fi game, Detroit, showed us us the battle between androids and humans tonight. Tensions are high: androids do not want to be simply property.
Is everybody having a fun summer so far?
How many athletes and their families have to prostrate themselves at the altar of amateurism before the NCAA and their useful idiots and fans change the rules?
Odd. I thought the whole point of overspending on the military was to drive a competing Soviet Union to collapse?
Saying the US Navy is screwed by current budgets is like saying Bill Gates is in the poor house because, while still richer than anyone else, he’s not as much richer than everyone else as he used to be.
Clearly those Frank Dodd protections are just choking the crap out of the market. Remind me what does that graph look like from 2010 to 2017 again?
Ok, so grandma voted trump, and now she has to eat dog food and can’t see her doctor. Mom and dad voted trump, so now they lose their 401k and insurance.
The biggest threat to small banks are the #TBTF Too Big To Fail banks that can undercut them on anything and everything because their failure is just going to be underwritten by the public anyway.
By just about every measure, the past few weeks have been exhausting ones for the United States. That’s why, in the…
For nearly three hours on Thursday, former FBI Director James Comey testified before the Senate Intelligence…
He gets day of rest. Then a whole summer.
We debated this one for a while trying to parse out Scherzer’s exact string of words, though some of them are pretty obvious. I think we’ve settled on “fucking bastard motherfucking bitch motherfucker” and now I can’t see it any other way.
Look at your email spam folder, and imagine that many voicemails in your phone. Many networks offer only a limited amount of space for voicemails, and you may end up missing an important voicemail from someone important.