
Yeah, congrats on ignoring my points or refuting them, then doubling down on your statements.

Motion sickness didn’t stop automobiles from entering the marketplace and replacing horse-based transportation. It won’t stop VR, either.

Considering that 4k TVs are produced by a number of manufacturers today, and they’re obtainable for reasonable prices, I’m going to disagree with the gimmick tag.

I don’t see VR as the same gimmick, primarily because it’s not being pushed by just one platform like the Kinect, and the industry seems to be at the point where the tech has caught up to the idea.

People who are huge into RPG with heavy on the RP are primarily the most disappointed with F3 & F4.

Must be nice to be retired at age 54!

Reminds me of the Fallout 4 ... fallout, lol.

Yeah I caught that too. Not a current executive, but a former one. I wonder where the person ended up after leaving Team Xbox.

I had the same general reaction to you ... almost typed out the exact comparison to the XB1 and 360 era Kinect-pushing as well!

My guess is if there is any ‘future fatigue’ in theme, they’re gonna also be tired of the zombie add-ons as well.

That was what I was thinking was the motivation behind the massive video dislike result as well.

That might be wishful thinking, imo. It’s more relative to tech cost ...

They should def give some sort of offer to those Titan-buyers if it was relatively recent, or even any Titan-bought consumers now staring at an obsolete status symbol.

Smart idea! Good tip there sui

That was me @ Xmas 2015 ... split hairs on 980 vs 980ti, and given what other hardware I had, I am glad I settled on the 980 ... the ti wouldn’t have been much of a difference for the extra money, and whew, those Titan-buyers, lol.

That’s a good idea, and I’m sure your buddy will be grateful!

Opportunity cost is the key to thinking about where your decision was vs what was possible alternatively.

Exactly. The timing is surprising given the new specs on their products to come, but really it’s about getting what we can when we can get it.

Fret not. It’s the people who bought the Titans that should be hopping mad, lol.

Fallout 4 and Civ 5 ... still!