
Mostly replying to this to bring it to light ... because you’re right, reviews should be objective, but subjectivity always comes into play because humans being. Everyone has an opinion, in other words.

I think you’ll find that aggregates are actually a lot better and harder to manipulate than you’re theorizing. The proof is there ... Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB, other industry standards that all dilute the clout of any one power-reviewer.

It takes effort to get Nick to ban your character from getting within shooting distance. They def laid the gaming landscape so that he’d be pretty bro-seph given all the sarcastic comments one can deliver to him.

It was more of a point toward the fact that they tend to half-ass anything to do with quality control these days beyond the review change.


I agree on the why. That’s why we’re left wondering on that. :D

Correct, it does not, but it was a stab at what you asked, unless that was rhetorical.

probably the lack of a satire font in the non-serious reviews, and probably a look-out to make sure someone related to the publisher isn’t spamming fake positive reviews.

Well, you know how Steam solves all these problems ... that involves having a paid customer service staff that first-hand examines stuff that gets reported, be it issues with the game purchased, billing, trolling, et al.

Ooooooh ... yeah I remember her!

There was an issue with NPCs disappearing from that one Vault where you can pick up Curie from ... they would warp to an enclosed part of the map where nobody could exit or enter without console commands ... the guy who paid for any tools delivered to him was notorious for disappearing.

Props to Kenny the Jet for not having Charles’s back. Dude was jabbering about lack of respect by the Cavs, and what he’d do which is pull a “goon” move on the Cavs to let ‘em know who’s a bad-ass.

Maybe they’ll have an alternate option in which case the Missing Nicks and Hell to the No Nicks won’t stand in the way of doing it. But wait and see to be safe.

The map size alone is supposed to be worth the price of admission. They’re boasting a rather large add-on there ... I might just agree to find the kid and forget all about it because my character is all about assuming Shaun is dead, lol.

It’s probably a similar plot device, and it would be amusing if it’s the exact same voice actress.

Better wait and see, if like that other person in the comments, Nick really has disappeared.

I was kind of hoping those Institute cyborg enhancements could have been done for my character, turning it into an even more Achilles demi-god murder-machine than already accomplished!

did you try looking for Nick at the detective agency? I assume you mean he’s gone every possible place, not just your settlements.

Bingo. Hazmat suit solves a lot of problems in the game. Isn’t readily available from the get, but they’re around.
