
I get what you’re saying ... it comes in a metal case, has a tip book (Pip-Boy Pocket Guide), a poster detailing all the perks one can attain in the game, plus a stand and “capsule case” for the Pip-Boy toy ... in addition to that toy. And all of those things also come with the $119.99 limited edition version of that


Hard to call Fallout Shelter a win, considering you touched the Exclusive CoD as the first loser, and that Fallout app was a partnership with Apple, IIRC.

If this is another iOS-only gimmick, then double-frown on that.

Exclusivity is basically only a good deal if they can guess how much the partnership has to contribute to make up for what’s lost in multi-plat sales. And as AAA games get larger and larger budgets, you’re going to see far less willingness on the other party to commit larger sums to off-set, and you’re likely going to

Not unplayable in every case, but far too many cases nonetheless, and not in the “ohmehgherd this silly non-essential NPC’s head is wiggin’ out and spinnin’ Exorcist-style” way either.

Now playing

And yet we continue to play their infernal but magical games!

What was crazy (which I discovered when I was reading Fallout wiki to see things that I may have missed on various missions) ... each platform release had its own specific and fresh hells for bugs and crashes. No system was identical for many of the failures (stress the many).

The issue with both Fallout 3 and FNV on PC was due to a programming architecture (it’s hard for me to explain with accuracy, but here goes) that was built around computers from the XP era ... far lesser processing power among the machines.

Yeah, I’m not the only one who never got that game to work properly .... have no idea what it is, possibly just minute hardware differences in the various 360 releases might have been all it took with my particular 360 (which worked like a charm with every other game except for F3 & FNV), if I had to guess.

Fallout 3 wasn’t a walk in the park on consoles either. It had game-breaking bugs ... bugs that never got fixed.

Not all PCs can’t handle the apps out there, either. However it’s cut, the mobile market excuses for iOS are full of nonsense. And exclusivity partnerships are bad for business in general. One alienates fan bases, and misses out on so much extra profit from releasing on every platform possible.

as long as it plays without corrupting saves or constantly freezing and crashing every 5 minutes, I none care. FNV never accomplished that, it was a complete disaster for me on the 360, even after patches (didn’t get it to work until mods on the PC).

Less green tint, more detail to the graphics.

In general, when I’m out and about, the last thing I seek to spend my downtime on is phone stuff. I just focus on getting the hell where I need to go asap.

I wish they’d just release these mini-games on PC so I could skip the whole phone experience entirely. I like my screens larger for doing anything gaming, and I like gaming on PC and to a lesser extent on consoles. Forget the touch-screens, forget the gimmick nature of apps tied into games, just give me the game so I

Pistons in 7!

If I did get it again, I understand that I can transfer my 360 online character to PC, which wouldn’t be such a hassle as far as having to do stuff over again on the online part.

Yeah, I feel like just waiting a couple years until it hits 10 bucks or less, because I already bought it on the 360, and I don’t feel like paying for a tiny graphic upgrade and maybe a couple extra things to do.

Seems to me like the refs have been swallowing a bunch of whistles during Games 2 and 3.