
Are they planning on making the main pads off-set, similar to the XB 360/XB 1 controller? That off-setting of the main analogs is why some people prefer them to the PS-similars, supposedly cuts down on carpal tunnel was what I heard.

Will it be forged in steel, with the heat of one-thousand suns, tempering it to an equal, smooth, and hate-filled reaction to every LoL angsty rage-quitting action?

I feel like EA is in the wrong business.

Circle of life? Maybe the remaining smart minds responsible for plenty of what Sim City was at its best, could re-form elsewhere, maybe? Please?

Not before slapping horse armor DLC for an in-game Nissan vehicle charging station on the mutilated Sim City body first!

Oh yeah, there's another way to skirt the hypocrisy of the AIs ... bring them in on your warpath against whomever you wanna destroy.

Most of them hate warmongers.

GTA IV, Bomb da Base 2:

F3 is definitely what I'd expect an obliterated city/suburbs expanse to be, particularly if it had any part in military, national leadership, or industry. And I get that House saved the NV region with his own money and defense contracts and the safety net from the bombs.

Both vanilla games (minus mods, including mod patches) tend to mess up a bit on me, from memory. Not just F3 but FNV too. Although between those two, on PC, the vanilla version of FNV was more stable for me.

Now playing

Gopher is a fantastic modder and LPer, so much to the point that there's a new mod called UIO that basically improved upon part of the modding with the HUD ... improved upon a mod-set that Gopher did ... and he endorsed it, and is incorporating it with his own used mods.

That list was pretty good, having finished watching the YouTube video. SkyttsTV did a good run-down on the newest labors of love for this game.

Someguy2000 is awesome. He has a whole suite of story-driven quest mods that have a lot of polish to them.

Of those three metro areas, Detroit's metropolitan area is still a top 15 in terms of statistical market size. From that list in the link, a combo of Sacto and Milwaukee wouldn't quite equal SEMI.

It's natural to appreciate a young and hungry underdog-ish team like Detroit.

Particularly loved the re-creation of the green screen from the driving scene. That was top notch.

What a glorious feeling it was to watch that horrorshow.

The driving in IV and V ... V's wheels seem to have way more grip than they should on any particular vehicle. IV's PC version had a bit more grip as well. And I think with IV, R* tried to get it as close to what happens when you try to take a right angle turn at speed. And everyone moaned about it, so they went

Sweet Zombie Elvis.

I liked Ringu better than The Ring as well. Ditto Ju-On.