
When I did the hunting side-quest, or when I was out roaming outside of Los Santos, there seemed to be a frequency and almost a procession of the various wildlife that one would encounter. I remember encountering those big cats spawning like clockwork, at least 2-3x every half-hour, in free-roam, during the

Wasn't sure if it was just me, but that thing seems mastered to too-strong of a overall volume. Like my speakers seemed to have a ton of distortion where it shouldn't be that way. I had to turn that vid's volume waaay down to keep it from Waser Wifling my shit, like it needed to be mastered a couple db down from

Chris Franklin pretty much nailed it.

Grungersexual sounds fantastic.

That I gathered.

Admittedly, the 90s video has a little less Trainspotting to it.

best xbox 360 ad ever!

In GTA IV, Bomb da Base 2, we used to set up cars about to explode right near the Petrovic chopper hand-off cutscene. And if we timed it right, in the middle of the script, the car would explode, cutting them off and sending the "Meester Petrovic" guy flying off the screen. I wonder if something explosive, like a

Holy crap. I've never seen this before. Read the article at the website. Hell of a find. Started watching the sales video ...


Actually, I wonder if DLC really counts as a game onto it's own, even if it is a sizable expansion.

Wasn't that a DLC expansion to Last of Us?

I agree. Technology seems to only have placed everyone's asshole a little more closely to everyone else's nose.

I have this CD still, as part of my pre-digital music collection.

I'm guessing if every critic switched to yes/no, then metacritic would aggregate the yes/no, and then pubs would base bonuses and everything else off a greater-than 80% yes from the aggregate.

What all these folks already said.

GTASA re-release was pretty mediocre. But if they had to put any real work into that, making new graphics, and whatnot, it'd come with at least a 49.99 price tag, which would also suck.

They definitely have a massive void in sports game coverage, following his departure. Some have tried, but it's just not Owen.

Oh Slamvan, you look a bit different from your GTASA days.