I think I got you correct a while back.
I think I got you correct a while back.
Tell that to society. I want to see this kid get help, in addition to paying his debts, so that he doesn't keep doing this to other girls, or doing more horrible actions than what he already has done.
What I get from you is a demand that I answer questions in ways you specifically want them answered. You won't take "disagree" for an answer. And, you're a fan of twisting words.
Haha. My pride's just fine.
I noticed that you're kind of being amusing to me about your insistence that I've done all this wrong in the matter.
I don't see entitlement there.
Being called mentally ill is society's stigma, not mine.
So was I. But I never took it that far, nor did anyone else I knew with a similar rough edge. And we lived in an era that couldn't easily track back who's doing what.
I don't know, but I'd like in this kid's case that they be safe rather than sorry.
You're reading way too much into this, is my only advice.
God forbid we have opinions on the internet.
That's the problem, you don't really care.
It's not mutually exclusive. And who's to say that he can control it? He kept upping the misbehavior to levels way beyond normal. That goes beyond entitlement.
But I already detailed that I assumed he would be held responsible for his actions. It said as much in the report.
Stop interpreting the idea that I believe this kid to both have some sort of illness and being 'bad' as a result.
It's kind of disturbing to write it off as natural behavior for a boy, because whenever I got told "no," or any of the more wild kids I knew got told the same, they stopped bothering.
You and I have way different interpretations of 'normal' levels of misbehavior.
But this goes beyond normal levels of misbehavior. Multiple times? What happens when he gets clear of this?
I got what you said, but I think you're not really doing the same for me.