
I completely agree with everything you said, especially the last part. These old white men who put on this horrific display yesterday have been getting what they are “entitled” to their whole lives. It won’t hurt them to be denied that for once, though I know they see that completely differently.

I’m so sorry your night ended up like this. My husband and I went to take dinner to friends who just had a baby, and that was probably the nicest part of my day and I’m thankful I got a small reprieve.

I’m so thankful there are people like you who are able to watch and witness this.

I’m so sorry. Last night, for the first time in so long, I thought about my own rape and the reasons why I didn’t say anything to anyone about it for the longest time. Thankfully, I can’t even remember his full name or exactly what he looked like, but I remember what happened and how it just kept going.

I heard on the morning news that, along with just being down the hall, he gets to listen to/watch everything she says and then respond to it. I’m guessing that she won’t be provided the same opportunity to respond after he’s had a chance to not provide answers.

I’m so sorry to hear of everything you’ve been through. The fact that you’re still standing and willing to speak and say “this is not right” means so much.

I hope you’re able to make the time to get in to talk to someone. I feel so lucky that I can just pop on my provider’s app and send a message to my doctor and receive a response from her or one of her partners within 24 hours. I know I’m also incredibly lucky to have an amazing provider who has listened to me and been

Might be worth giving the talkspace thing a try. I know one really difficult night that I had earlier this summer I reached out to the mental health crisis text line and just being able to speak with someone there helped me through that night.

I’ve been dealing with my own episodes of suicidal ideation these past couple of years. By all accounts, I have a good life and I shouldn’t feel this way. But I do, because my brain isn’t wired quite correctly. That just means I have a mental illness and, like any other illness, I’m just sick and need to be treated.

I'm not sure I have any good advice right now, but I want to let you know that I read what you've been dealing with and I'm so sorry that you feel so terribly. You don't deserve to feel this way.

I’m thinking good thoughts for you and your pupper. It’s so hard when that happens, especially since they can’t tell us what is wrong.

I definitely got into skin care more as I started taking more care of myself. I love e.l.f. products. Very reasonably priced and I have had no issues with them.

Here are my boys: Remy and Max at the door and Buckley asleep. Thankfully, they are all currently sleeping now. It seems the trick is to take them for two walks in a day.

I'm so very sorry. I lost my heart dog just a month ago and it still hurts. So many internet hugs for you.

Kind of like this wasn’t actually meant to benefit the majority of the country, you mean? Why ever would that have happened? /s

You can run your information through the IRS withholding calculator available on the IRS’s website to give you a better idea if you should adjust your W4. I believe it isn’t going to be exact, but will give you some idea on how you’re doing.

You’re welcome! I definitely enjoy reading your comments as I scroll through the posts here.

I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this on your own and struggling. Mental illness is tough enough to deal with when you have a doctor who believes and supports you and wants to help. I hope you have support in your life. I don’t have much more than words and internet hugs.

Thank you. It does help hearing from so many others that we did the right thing for him, actually. It helps confirm what I knew.

I'm so sorry to hear that. It's so tough to lose them.