
So puppy classes exist but there is a training group by us that does new family dog classes. It’s a nice opportunity to bond with your new dog, no matter what the dog’s age. Plus, you get some help with training if you’re new to dog ownership.

That’s such an apt analogy!

It’s such hard work to get help, but you’re already making progress by taking steps to get that help. Just recognizing what is going on in your head and trying to fight it is huge. Depression Brain is an incredibly nasty bitch and, no matter what good is going on in your life, finds the negatives and shouts that out

I’m so very sorry. I’m glad they found the cancer in time and are able to do something to keep you healthy, but I completely understand that doesn’t help what you’re going through right now. I’ve hidden myself away on Mother’s Day since having my own hysterectomy thankfully the people around me understand that I need

I’m so sorry to hear that and glad you got the care you needed. I had a similar situation in that it wasn’t until I was scheduled for my hysterectomy for endometriosis after suffering for a couple of years (and now it’s possibly showing up again even though I have no parts, ha...) that suddenly I hear my aunts also

Oooh not bad at all. Those are some fantastic colors. I hope you like working with it!

It’s the same pattern as I have been making, since I have that well memorized by now. This one is a deep blue, which I had already started because it’s close to the color of the Toronto Maple Leafs, which is the husband’s favorite hockey team.

That yarn is lovely! What kind is it?

I can’t wait to see pictures!

Those two are so damn delightful! Bridget and Mary Jo would be the only reason I might ever consider watching something like this.

That’s a mighty adorable baby you created there! Congratulations!

This was the part that got me as well. It’s been quite some time since I even made biscuits but I remember that butter has to be cold. Where else is the flaky goodness going to come from?

Oh it was super helpful and tore the screen for that window. We called the county animal control number but, because it was on a Sunday, we got an on-duty officer who wasn’t sure what to do with it, especially since it was getting agitated. He ended up putting it down and removing it.

Ahh hearing that at 3 am is just...have you considered grabbing the essentials and just burning the house down and starting over? I think I would.

I took my own measurements per the instructions on the website when I set up my account. My first dresses fit great and, thanks to those measurements, I figured out which of their standard sizes I am so now I just order that.

How much time between now and your sister’s wedding? If you have a bit of time and are willing to do online shopping, perhaps try a site like I have a number of dresses from them and they have lots of different styles with the ability to customize styles to fit your needs (sleeves, necklines, skirt

Perhaps teach them about resources available to help keep them informed of the process, issues, and candidates? My League of Women Voters website is where I often start out when I want to get more information on the candidates for upcoming elections.

It always does for me. My husband got this picture this morning and I think it captures him perfectly.

We’re very glad of that as well! We still had some bloodwork done for him, just to be safe, but the vet doesn’t anticipate any bad results.

He is!