
I’m sure Geariod can find a monthly column in Dabiq.’re still posting his shit out of the greys with the screenshots...

Let me translate your last sentence: “this guy says mean things about the PLO, so we ought to take away his money via government force.”

He already took a buyout. 

He’s already said he’s leaving.

I got the banhammer at Jez and Deadspin. You are only allowed to disagree with the hive a certain amount.

Nice article Pareene, a very well done “Fuck you” to your asshole owner. Now if you were to explore the dynamics at play wherein such brutal right wing Jews who protect Israel at all costs simultaneously push for left wing radical politics in the US, that which are totally anathema to policies and theories pushed in

which site? Splinter? This is the bed they made. This isn’t on Univision. The writers here drove away both readers and advertisers. Even on that Univision never silenced their voices... and mercifully allowed Hamilton Nolan to continued to have a job. But business is business. You can’t keep losing money, especially

The issue is that all Jews have engaged in honest debate about Israeli policies and knows what it sounds like, so it’s very easy for us to see the difference. For example, it’s notable that the “deadly force” Israel used turns out to have been against fifty Hamas members and I think three Islamic Jihad members (also,

Yep, just look at his piece today decrying “Open Shop” workplaces.

The Latinx Community.

Instead of getting black out drunk on Bud cans and grilled meats I will be doing yoga, getting Nigerian take out, and spending time on Twitter with other like-minded people.

I too support cutting all ties with Israel but your comment is just flat out anti-Semitic which harms are anti-Israel movement. Be smarter, please.

That generation of my, they’ve got some powerful feelings on the subject of Israel. I don’t agree with them in most places but I suppose to offer a supremely milquetoast apologia for them I think it’s less about being critical of Israel than it is following the trend of being disproportionately critical

I come to Splinter News to get the truth without the side of BS. I come here to chat with like minded folx who care as deeply as I do about fighting the Nazis. I come to Splinter because it feels like home. It’s safe here.

There is NOTHING wrong with that.  No more shaming!

Straightforward from here:

We need to stop joking around about Trump and his cabinet. When we joke about them, especially in light-hearted terms, we normalize them. We cannot normalize them! Stop it!

I can barely hear my own thoughts these days. Inside my head is constant screaming and double guessing, arguments with people I have never met.  Sometimes I think I’m going insane. I’m not though, everyone else went insane. I’m just fine.

Today is a beautiful summer day in Boston. Nice temperature if a little warm. Birds are chirping. People are walking, talking, laughing. A slight breeze makes that sun a little less hot. You occasionally catch the faint smell of salt water. It’s a city, but the environment it was built on still sings. A truly gorgeous