
You can thank the business of Nick Denton and AJ Daulerio for fucking everything up in the first place. 

The Dame Jo is Tomatoface? Y/N

1. Where the hell is everyone going?

Let’s address the elephant in the room: cargo pants are comfortable and eminently useful. But I’m an old fuck, I camp a lot and I don’t care if I look like I raided Eddie Vedder’s wardrobe circa 1996.

Russian banks, not Israeli banks...

Well, I did same compared to similar countries - I don’t think it’s far to compare the occurrence of violence with countries literally in the midst of wars etc.

You Won’t Fucking Believe Chuck Schumer’s Mealy-Mouthed Apocalypse Statement


Interesting... Medicaid is well-established HamNo territory, just like unions. And just like the article about Slate busting their writer’s union - something HamNo singlehandedly created through sheer will at Gawker which did not survive the transition to Telemundo - Rafi Schwartz is elbowing his way in.

Oh, yeah I guess that’s what it is. Not trolling. Honestly thought Yinzanity meant Yeezy or something. Guess it refers to PA Yinzers though? Have only heard that word used once and it was a long time ago, guy I knew from Pitt. He said a lot of stupid shit though so I committed almost none of it to memory.

MSNBC: Wait what will our corporate overlords say while still looking like we lean left oh wait Chris Matthews is talking about the fucking Kennedys again just run that.

Fox News: Obamacare too much for god to take. Orders apocalypse.

Damn, Clio just ain’t takin’ any prisoners any more.

If there was some wonderful soul archiving my posts at the time it certainly wasn’t me.  Thinking back I should have been doing that for myself considering I occasionally will reread this stuff and have a nice giggle.

All Gawker comments were erased when Hulk dropped the elbow. John Cook led me to believe that the comments would be archived and restored much like the original articles were, but that was not true.

Gawker: This Would Never Have Happened If Bernie Won

Yes. My name was GoldenMama, Tami G, and a few others that I can’t access right now. They banned me for supporting Hillary too efficiently.

But we... We have IDEOLOGICAL PURITY on our side! How can we lose?