
Cracked windshields are perhaps my favorite stop. There is an inordinate amount of trash that comes off cracked windshields.

Would be legal in Colorado as long as it did not obstruct the front license plate

It’s not. It’s a motorway cop - their version of a highway patrol. The point is that some people tend to behave only when they know there is a cop around. Since most places can’t have an actual cop on every mile of road it makes since to get people to think their might be because they can’t tell the difference or

That’s exactly what I meant - I had plenty of people educating me. I had a really good driver’s ed course at my HS. Troopers would come talk to us regularly. My parents were involved.

They do this so that the officers will do something. A lot of cops are just like other people - go to work and do the minimum. A quota will ensure they will at least do that.

Writing tickets rarely makes money - most of it goes towards processing the paperwork. I’ll be honest, in my youth, I drove way too fast most of the time. The only thing that changed my behavior was the cost of having them plead down to defective equipment and the dwindling job opportunities based on driving histories

Most of the money ends up paying for DOR paperwork.... some will go to evidence storage/safe keeping.

I don’t know... I don’t have a quota by any definition, but it would be super easyish to right 20 good tickets a day in a fully marked car. Agencies that do have quotas do so to keep their officer busy more than to make money. There are certain behaviors that do seem to be a lot easier to catch in an unmarked - namely

By the time a traffic ticket makes it all the way through whatever state’s DOR, there really isn’t much money left.

Well, take solace in the fact you are not unique in thrashing, voluntarily or involuntarily, the back of a cop’s car. The back of my car gets nuked with some pretty gnarly chemicals on a regular basis because people are gross.

The trick is that a lot of people who don’t actually have to go say they do. It’s a pretty common excuse for speeding or delaying a breath alcohol test. Generally the only time you know they are serious is when they start sweating or they just let loose.

I’ve done both - it kind of depends on the situation. I stopped a lady the other day and halfway through the contact she had to go so bad she started weeping. The nearest non-private residence toilet was about six miles away. All I could do was expedite as much as possible, but she was still stuck with a 10 minute


I’m not defending this guy in the story specifically, just trying to point out what I think are flaws in your line of thinking.

They will almost have to retry. They wanted to use testimony from Porter’s trial in the other cases. Without it and depending on the other evidence they have, they might be screwed.

I’m not sure what the thin blue line has to do with this.

I’m gathering the prosecution thought otherwise. They wanted to use testimony from Porter’s trial in the other cases so they must have been pretty confident of a conviction. Without having seen the evidence myself and only having news reports to go off of, I thought Mosby overcharged Porter. Sometimes a hung jury is

It’s just kind of the way the U.S. jury system works.