i didn’t just tear up, YOU just teared up
i didn’t just tear up, YOU just teared up
Despite all those failures, he remains positive...
And a better talk show host than a safe sex haver.
Perhaps it’s more likely that LeBron helped to push him out?
Dude, don’t even suggest that.
This is bonkers, is it not? Absolutely bonkers. Do we think LeBron now tries to get out. Is it possible in this unholy timeline that the Knicks land the number one pick and trade it for LeBron? LeBron and Durant together? Does LeBron demand a trade and keep his family in LA? Does he want to go back to Miami (please…
I’m really enjoying this feature as it’s reminded me of everything from the earlier seasons so I didn’t have to spend 70 hours rewatching it.
That fight between the Hound and Brienne though. One of the rare show-only scenes that manages to be purely awesome.
Why Shae!? Tyrion cast you off to protect you! Why would betray him like that!?
Stannis: It is customary to kneel when surrendering to a king.
Almost all of those media outlets are NFL sycophants so of course they’re going to buy his “apology”. I can’t wait for the day he goes to Court to resolve this and either a jury finds him guilty ot he makes and admission he could be found guilty. Expect to see lots of flying dildoes at Ralph Wilson Stadium this year wh…
The important parts that people look past, especially people who built their entire career on a 2-dimensional plane: underground tunnels are 3-dimensional; two tunnels can cross path without colliding.
No, I think that’s called Twitter.
I don’t get how you can’t blame Magic Johnson for this. Yes, you have James but you also have a GM who’s a step away from “the rule book doesn’t say a dog CAN’T play basketball!”
You can read the entire context at Media Matters for America. https://www.mediamatters.org/research/2019/03/10/unearthed-audio-tucker-carlson-makes-numerous-misogynistic-and-perverted-comments/223092
It’s true, I am kind of uptight about not condoning sex with children.
He was nice enough to let Hulk go Hulkamania on his wife... the cuck.
It says something when a guy who intentionally goes by “Bubba the Love Sponge” isn’t the most disgusting person in a conversation.