
I got the homepod and I love it.  Fight me.

Why would anybody give two shits about what a defeated presidential candidate did years ago. How is that relevant in a discussion about what the current POTUS is doing today? Are you also obsessed with Dewitt Clinton who failed to gain the presidency in 1812? What about Henry Clay? He ran and lost in 1832 AND 1844. Is

i’m curious what topic Mrs Clinton’s talked with GS about you’d like to discuss?

> The only conspiracy I believe is that Republicans been defunding education to make the people dumber and easier to control with propaganda and mixed messages.

I’m starting to think that the internet is the worst thing that ever happened to humanity. The amount of unchecked propagation of fucking stupid people spreading their stupid ideas to other stupid people will be the downfall of humanity.

I feel smarter for reading this. And dumber because I’m the same species as these people who believe in DEWs and Chemtrails. Seriously you don’t think we would see an airplane shooting lasers above the forest of paradise in California....

It’s 2018... If you are a college professor or administrator, keep your partying a hundred miles away from your employees or students. It’s not rocket surgery man.

Wow, that’s a real kick in the nuts.

You’re right. I should just shut up and let them blow whatever the fuck that stuff is in my face at bus stops, train stations, outside restaurants, etc.

I had to unsub from r/The_Donald just because the batshit insanity present wasn’t worth it from a cognitive dissonance check standpoint. I still check in with Reason, The American Conservative, and either BB or Infowars for the crazy shit, but not having my reddit feed choking on NPC memes and sad angry frogs is worth

I have fully lost two people in my life to Crossfit. I don’t think there’s inherently anything wrong with it - quite the contrary, I like people trying to be healthy and strong and have plenty of other friends who do it! - but the people I’ve lost, the Crossfit turned them into mega aggro psychopaths. Or maybe it

If you’re going to use blackout curtains to block the morning sun, why in the hell would you argue against keeping DST?

That won’t help. When have Republican voters cared about facts? Abrams just needs to continue to get people to the polls. Kemp can’t disenfranchise everyone. (I hope.)

What a crooked fucktard. This shit should be enough to convince anyone he shouldn’t win. 

Fuck your “Well actually” horseshit.

It never stops to hurt my heart that Trump is president. Ultimately, not because of the ugly qualities that this article perfectly captures but because it told me something that I didn’t know about the working, everyday 63 million fellow Americans with whom we share the country. I used to love road trips and exploring

So the new macbook air has TouchID (which apple is rumored to be killing), and no FaceID.

Lol sommmmebody is dessssperate

Harry Potter and the Basket of Deplorables?

I thought this was a screenshot from Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.