
A lot of countries have a fascination with guns, you can see it from their pop culture and shows, it is just that most countries do not have the gun circulation of the US. You also have to count for the guns not registered and on the black market, so i think that number is bigger than the survey suggest.


Surely such notice of inspection of federally required records should be served by registered mail. Do we have any Jezzie immigration attorneys?

Welp, looks like the new SS is really starting to get in gear. Yes, many on the left scoffed when people called Trump a fascist after the election. We’ll see.

Yeah all the articles about this seem really judgmental which is really shitty.

I can’t speak as to the quality of Tom Brady as a person, but I’m not gonna drag him for being affectionate with his child.

I’m not sure why I need to pass judgement on the Tom Brady video. Speaking as a Dad of a 9y/o boy, I love it when he gives me a spontaneous hug or a kiss. I know he’s going to turn into an asshole when he’s a teenager, so I’m enjoying the hugs and kisses all I can.

As a suicide prevention advocate and a suicide loss survivor, I urge you to follow guidelines about reporting on suicide, which include not including method of death, especially in a headline:

You know what really bothers me? When people bug out about kissing kids on the lips. Not everyone does it but when people do, IT IS NOT SEXUAL. People cringing like there is a sexual element is icky. It’s icky! That’s a father and son, clean your head. Damn.

My understanding is that lawyers aren’t just allowed to drop clients willy nilly. There have to be valid reasons. Typically those reasons are

Unpopular Opinion: You cannot shame or criticize victims, but I think there is room to just believe people you care about. I don’t think it’s okay for Keaton to go after Dylan Farrow, but I do think it’s okay that she believes Allen and is wrong. I also think it’s okay that Nikki Minaj never spoke out against her

This idea of values the IT in Chief is pedaling is just a distraction for his base. DJT does not care at all for anyone outside of his own ego, but needs it stroked. He was a CEO, he was the host of a messed up reality show, and now he is President. He needs to feel like a winner, regardless, and now he is in a

If I were a doctor. I would recommend him walking with his head tilted towards the sky, mainly to stop the chance of his balls falling out of his mouth after having them kicked up his throat like that.

Like father, like son: jumping into shit thinking they have the brains to deal and immediately finding its way over his fucking head. Also...

Get your act together, rest of country...

The commissioner of the WCAC told me all technicals should be one shot, too, but Google is all over the map on one or two shots per tech. The Carroll coaches and AD just told me what they were told by the crew chief at the time, and the explanations could have been muddled in the fog of war. Perhaps the crew chief

No, anonymous person on the internet I’ve never met, I could not care less if you get married or remain single or have friends at all. And I’ll comment on how I do not think you know what the words “ironic” or “reporter” mean.

Whoa! Huge slam on sea lions from out of nowhere...

Her and Ivanka get this pretty white women force field that shields them from their own shitty behavior. Melania pushed the birther issue, made excuses for her husband and decided being rich was worth more than not being an asshole.

Many of these examples are not shading her husband, but rather being sent to somehow mollify the damage he has done. Notably, the Holocaust Museum and the issue of cyberbullying.