
While y’all debate this, I’ll let the reality that Google has not denied this accusation speak for itself.

Interesting. Also, the the tips have vents to equalize pressure.. An elegant solution to an annoying problem.

I have the 1st and 2nd gen AirPods and bought them for the reason that they are NOT earbuds and didn’t block ambient sound. Not many choices on the market, but AirPods are hands down outstanding all purpose headphones. If you have an Apple Store nearby, I really recommend you go try them out (yes, they do that),

I still argue two points:

Disney+ saved some goodies for this service. They released a scene from Endgame - Tony at the Way Station in which Tony meets his daughter as a teenager. Not the best scene, but still tugs at the heartstrings.

This. Place all the ads all day long, but show me every post from my friends and the people I follow

If Warren were a man (I’m not being sexist, just saying how it is), she’d stand a chance against Trump’s insults. Same with Kamala.

Pete is not getting the Democratic nomination. Trump would eat him alive and shit him out daily.

Call it whatever you want.

Her instagram is 😍

I disagree. I think most people aren’t audiophiles and buy headphones based on how they like their music to sound.

Pair it with a desperate thirst (and I mean bad thirsty like a ho) by the news station that is willing to risk its reputation to “break” the footage first. Wait a few hours to authenticate, or not be the first. People aren’t so hard up on war(?) footage that they’re going to run to see it when they first hear of it. 

But can you explain why Microsoft announced a phone literally one year ahead of release.

This seems to be article reviewing the 11, not a comparo. And as with all things Apple, it’s not about spec comparisons. I’m downgrading in my display ppi from the X, but I’m mostly interested in the improved low light camera and battery life.

Is inhaling a chemical reaction any better than smoke?

My hope is that enough people sue the Sackler family that it will eventually bleed them dry. Sadly, there is no shortage of plaintiffs.

Ur dumb. But seriously, Apple Pay is the best way to pay. It’s convenient and secure (your actual credit card number isn’t exposed).

Are you really making the argument that the Pats don’t just find a way to beat just about anybody?

I told my girlfriend that these phones cost about $2500, and she said,that’s dumb, you could get a pug with that kind of money.” 

The X has a great camera. But find someone you know with an XR and take the same low light photo. The X is embarrassingly bad while the XR gives just the right glow. 😔